Читать книгу Human's Burden - Damien Broderick - Страница 4



Here is my hypothesis as to how Human’s Burden came to be written. Keith Laumer and Gene Roddenberry were sitting around one day, stoned out of their gourds on ayahuasca. They decided to stitch the head of interstellar diplomat James Retief onto the body of Captain James T. Kirk—or vice versa. The hybrid, supremely handsome and conceited monster sat in cryonic suspension for forty years until Broderick and Barnes found and activated him with a hypodermic containing a mixture of Robert Sheckley’s and Ron Goulart’s stem cells, and then the two Aussie authors simply chronicled the revenant’s adventures.

Or, alternatively, applying Occam’s Razor, Broderick and Barnes are just stone-cold comic science-fictional geniuses. Take your pick.

—Paul Di Filippo,

author of Roadside Bodhisattva

Human's Burden

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