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There are many people who have directly and indirectly contributed to this project and my heartfelt appreciation extends to all of them. The task of formalizing this list of acknowledgments is inherently intimidating by virtue of the inevitability of certain omissions. There are many thanks to give.

To Nancy Schenck, Executive Editor of CRP and editor for this project, whose guidance and friendship is a great gift. Clearly, one of the reasons I was brought to Las Vegas was for her to be part of my life and my recovery.

To my other talented CRP teammates: Valerie Killeen, Managing Editor, and my walking partner at work, as well as a walking example of professionalism and humility; Helen O’Reilly, Senior Editor and human dictionary; Daniel Kaelin, Editorial Coordinator and permissions guru; Eliza Tutellier, Assistant Editor, who did a wonderful backup edit for this book; and Patrick Hughes, Sales and Marketing Manager, ace book pimp, and cinematic savant.

To Bob Gray, CRP Publisher, whose efforts facilitate our mission.

To Stuart Smith, whose vision and support make this book and all the important work we do at Central Recovery Press possible.

To Mel Pohl, MD, FASAM, for composing the Foreword to this book. To be able to collaborate on projects such as this with the renowned physician who met me at my nadir is a stirring example of what is possible in recovery.

To Claudia Black, PhD, whose groundbreaking work on dysfunctional family systems I utilized with clients as an addiction treatment professional, for her kind feedback and generous support of this project.

To my most excellent colleagues at Central Recovery and Central Recovery Treatment, especially: Debbie Champine, Joni Baumgart, Doyne Pickett, Bill Peiffer, Paul Hinshaw, Travis Shephard, Tony Carter, Dave Lawrence, Greg Pergament, and Alvin Elliot.

To my informal reviewers, Margie Williams, MA, LPC, dear friend and colleague, whose path and mine have had so much in common; and Beth Kovac, my beautiful (inside and out) partner.

To my mentors in behavioral health, most notably: Wendy Yalowitz, MSW, LCSW, my first post-master’s supervisor from whom I learned so much about the art of psychotherapy; Dave Glaser, MSW, LCSW, my East Coast Grateful Dead concert-going buddy, who taught me the ropes of clinical supervision and administration; and Susan Rubin, PhD, MSW, who showed me what courageous leadership in the face of political pressure looks like, and was instrumental in helping me refine my management skills. Their guidance and support have been an enduring resource.

To Frank Szabo, for the many extensive discussions we had that clarified and enriched my understanding of recovery.

To Phil F, who loved me when I had little capacity to love myself, and foresaw this book long before I ever did.

To Jimmy S, a living example of how to walk a spiritual path, even on burning coals in bare feet.

To Alan Trist at Ice Nine Publishing Company, who immediately and generously granted my request to use Grateful Dead lyrics in chapter epigraphs for this book. I am honored to be able to quote from songs that have meant so much to me and have been so close to my heart for so long.

Some Assembly Required

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