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Dear Reader,

If you’re like me, sometimes you look in the mirror and see imperfections. I find myself thinking, “If only this were a little smaller or smoother.” Even away from the mirror, I sometimes wish that I had better math or timemanagement skills. I have to be reminded that I am a child of God, created in His image, and that as a Christian I should love all of His creations. Myself included.

I explored this idea in Safe in His Arms. Lindsay Collins has no trouble putting her trust in God, but she has a much more difficult time loving herself. Before she can find a lifetime love, she must learn that she is precious to God and worthy of love. I like the words in the beginning of Genesis 1:31a: “And God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good.” If God sees such value in His creations, then shouldn’t we learn to appreciate ourselves, imperfections included?

I love hearing from readers and may be contacted through my website, www.danacorbit.com, or through regular mail at P.O. Box 2251, Farmington Hills, MI 48333-2251 or friend me on Facebook.

Safe in His Arms

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