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“Ryzard Vrbancic?” she managed faintly. Please no.


His gorgeous mouth twisted with ironic dismay. “As you can see. Who are you?”

Of course she could see. Now that Tiffany’s brain was beginning to function it was obvious this was the self-appointed President of Bregnovia. How did a name like Ryzard go from being something vaguely lethal to something noble and dynamic simply by encountering the man in person? How had she not sensed or realised…?

“There’s been a mistake. I’ve made a mistake.”

And yet her body responded to being in his presence. Even though she wasn’t drunk, and no music seduced her, her feet didn’t want to move and her eyes kept being dragged back to his wide chest, where a sprinkle of hair had abraded her palms. His arms flexed as she watched, forcing memories of being caught protectively against him when the fireworks had started, then carried like a wilted Southern Belle when sex had been the only thing on their minds.

Warily she eyed him. “I didn’t know who you were last night.”

“No?” His brow kicked up, dismissing her claim as a lie.


“You sleep with strangers often?”

“Apparently you do, so don’t judge me.”

The Ultimate Seduction

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