Читать книгу Lost Princess - Dani-Lyn Alexander - Страница 7

Chapter 1


The soft brush of something against the carpet outside Ryleigh’s bedroom door intruded on her restless sleep. Her eyes shot open. Her heart drummed wildly in her chest. Blood rushing in her ears drowned out whatever sound had woken her. With the Kingdom of Cymmera at war, even though she was in her own realm, human traitors or monsters could attack from anywhere at any moment. Goose bumps rushed across her skin, prickling her nerves. The memory of savages invading her home taunted her.

Wait. There it was again. The slightest whisper of something brushing against…something. She slid quietly from the bed, got caught up in the blankets, and almost lost her footing. She bit back a curse, untangled her foot, and grabbed the baseball bat from beneath the bed. Although she had her choice of weapons now—sword, bow and arrow, flail, axe—the bat still felt the most comfortable in her hand, the most familiar. She switched off the small bedside lamp. No sense backlighting herself when she opened the door. She’d be an easy enough target if something waited out there.

She tiptoed across the bedroom, pressed her ear against the door, and held her breath. The rhythmic pounding of her heart slamming against her ribs masked any sound that might come from the hallway. She blew her breath out slowly, careful not to make any noise, and gripped the doorknob.

No good. Her hand was too slippery. She wiped her sweaty palm on her pajama pants and tried again. Turning the knob as soundlessly as possible, bat held at the ready, she eased the door open, just a crack at first, and peered into the dark hallway.

The small night light did little to dispel the black shadows that could hide all sorts of hideous creatures. A shiver tore through her at the memory of the savages that could emerge from a portal anywhere, at any time. With a deep breath, she opened the door enough to slip through, then closed it gently behind her.

The Jacobs’ door at the end of the hall was closed. Nothing seemed amiss. They’d gone to bed hours ago and didn’t usually get up during the night.

Dim light spilled from the open bathroom doorway.

She kept her back against the wall and crept as stealthily as possible toward the unknown. The desire to go back to bed and bury her head beneath the pillow assailed her. A fierce need to protect her sister demanded she ignore the fear. Her head pounded with the conflict.

The bathroom was empty. She crept past the door. When she passed Mia’s closed door and reached the end of the short hallway, she re-adjusted her grip on the bat. She squeezed her eyes shut and leaned her head against the wall, searching for the courage to round the corner. Raising the bat, she plunged into the dark living room. The instant she could reach it, she hit the light switch.


Now that she’d announced her presence there was no longer a need for stealth. She ran across the living room, skirting the floral print couch, charged into the kitchen, and flipped the light on. A shadow flickered across the floor and disappeared into a corner. Creeping closer, she tried to bring the image clearer, to make some sense of the shape that had skittered beneath the wood cabinet now bathed in light. She turned the bat around, hooked the handle with its end, and pulled the door open. Pots, pans, covers, all stacked neatly, as always.

Nothing behind the door or in the open laundry room. Thankfully, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs understood the need to assess danger quickly. They’d lived in Cymmera, had battled the monsters that lived there, were aware of the dangers lurking close by. If a room was empty, the door stood open.

Still on edge, though she’d searched the entire house, she dropped onto a chair, lay the bat across the table within easy reach, and leaned her elbows on the table. She massaged her temples, the pressure doing little to relieve the intense pounding behind her eyes.

Tension squeezed her chest, and she gave up on fighting the headache. Nothing seemed to be amiss, and yet she’d been so sure she heard something.

On the counter, a teakettle sat propped on a potholder. Mia. She should have guessed. Her sister had been sleeping so poorly lately. Ryleigh got up and hefted the bat over her shoulder. Mia would need her. With one last check to be sure nothing was out of place, she shut the light, backed out of the kitchen, and started across the living room. She stubbed her toe on the wood coffee table, knocking some of the precisely fanned magazines askew, then limped the rest of the way.

Once she had the pain in her foot somewhat under control, she turned off the living room light and approached Mia’s closed door. She knocked softly and kept her voice a whisper so as not to wake Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs. “Mia?”

“Come in.”

Ryleigh propped the bat against the wall in the hallway. She pushed the door open and found Mia sitting in bed with her knees pulled against her chest, her back against the headboard, and a thick blanket covering her and tucked beneath her arms. Steam rose from a mug of what Ryleigh knew would be Sleepytime Tea cupped between Mia’s hands.

“You all right?”

Mia nodded, but the fear in her eyes was unmistakable.

“Mind if I sit for a bit? I’m having trouble sleeping.”

Mia shook her head. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

Ryleigh climbed onto the bed, folded her legs, and sat facing Mia. “Bad dreams?”

Mia nodded again, and a shiver ran through her. She pulled the blanket tighter. When she finally spoke, her voice shook. “Really bad.”

Her younger sister had been through so much in her fourteen years. The death of their parents in a terrorist attack. Her grandmother’s prolonged illness and eventual death. The fear that someone would take her from Ryleigh and put her in a foster home, since at seventeen, Ryleigh wasn’t yet old enough to be her legal guardian. Being chased from her home by fierce savages and forced into another realm where violence and monsters were a way of life.

Ryleigh tucked the mass of brown curls behind Mia’s ear, but it only popped out again a moment later. “I wish I could tell you everything would be okay.”

“But that would be lying.”

Ryleigh forced a smile. “It might be lying. It might also be true. We have no way to know.”

“No kidding.” Mia sighed and rolled her eyes.

The gesture threatened to bring a genuine smile to Ryleigh’s lips. She bit the inside of her cheek. “Look, Mia. We’ve talked about this before. I can’t promise you everything will be all right, but I can promise you I will always stand by your side. I will protect you and take care of you as best I can.”

Tears shimmered and tipped over Mia’s thick lower lashes. “I know.” She shook her head and swiped the tears. “But you have responsibilities now. To more than just me. An entire kingdom is counting on you to save them. You ca—”

“Stop right there.” Ryleigh held up her hand, halting any further arguments. “You come first, Mia. You always come first with me.”

Mia finally formed a tentative smile. “I know. You’re my hero.” She clutched the mug against her chest in a two handed grip and batted her lashes.

Ryleigh reached a hand under the blanket and tickled Mia’s feet. “You sarcastic little brat.”

“Stop. You’re going to make me spill my tea.” Somehow, Mia managed to balance the mug through the fit of giggles. She regained control of herself and placed the cup on the nightstand beside the bed. “You have to go soon, Ryleigh. The dreams are coming more frequently. There’s violence coming…bad things.” She tucked her shaking hands beneath the blanket and pulled it up over her shoulders.

Mia’s delicate features and slight build made her appear so fragile, yet she possessed great inner strength. She never would have made it through the past month if she didn’t. “I’ll go soon enough.”

“Can I come?” She sat up straighter.

Ryleigh frowned. “I thought you said violence was coming.”

“It is.”

“Then why would you want to come?”

Mia shrugged. “I miss Sadie and Kiara…and Dakota.” A blush stole up her pale cheeks as she played with the edge of the blanket.

Her sister had the biggest crush on the young Death Dealer in training. This time, Ryleigh couldn’t stop the smile.

Mia ignored her. “I miss Nika and Nahara.” She grinned. “I want to fly again.”

Ryleigh couldn’t argue with that. Flying on one of the huge hounds had been the most amazing experience of her life. They both appeared similar to enormous Tibetan Mastiffs, except for their wings.

Nika was gorgeous, with his black fur, mane, and wings, but Nahara, with her cream color coat and the pink and gold markings forming a crown around her head, then leading down her back and onto her wings, was truly incredible.

“We’ll go soon.”

The excitement lighting Mia’s eyes dimmed, and she lay down.

Great. Now Ryleigh was going to give in. “I worry about taking you there after you got so weak the last time.”

Mia pulled the blanket up under her chin and snuggled down into the pillows. “I’ll be okay. I feel fine now, and I won’t stay as long this time. Kiara said I’d get stronger each time I visited. Until, one day, I’d be able to stay.” She looked up at Ryleigh, eyes pleading.

“All right. We’ll go this weekend.”

Mia smiled even as her eyes dropped shut. “I knew you’d say yes.”

A surge of love shot through Ryleigh. Despite only three years difference in their ages, Mia was more like a daughter than a sister. Ryleigh had helped raise her since she was a toddler and had pretty much taken care of her on her own once their grandmother fell ill several years ago. She stood beside Mia and tucked the covers tighter around her. “I love you, little sis.” Ryleigh kissed her sister’s head.

“I love you too, big sis.” The sleepiness in Mia’s voice made her sound so much younger.

She smoothed Mia’s hair back off her face. The dark circles beneath her eyes had gotten worse over the past few days. She had no doubt Mia’s destiny lay in Cymmera, as did her own. Eventually. But she desperately wanted to offer Mia the opportunity for a few years of normalcy. Friends, sleepovers, boyfriends…human boyfriends…proms…Ryleigh rolled her shoulders, the weight of responsibility sometimes too heavy a burden.

When Mia’s soft snores became more rhythmic, and she would probably sleep the rest of the night, Ryleigh got up and moved quietly to the door. She reached for the light switch but thought better of the idea and left it on. No sense taking any chances Mia would wake frightened in the dark. She closed the door gently behind her and reached for the bat she’d left beside the door. The bat was gone.

“Everything okay?”

She jumped, and her back hit the wall. “What are you doing here, Jackson?” She stared into the darkest, most intense eyes she’d ever seen. Eyes that bored straight through to her very soul, as they had the last time he’d pinned her with that same passionate gaze. Heat laced with the adrenaline charging through her system.

He moved closer. “I was feeling…restless.”

She inhaled deeply, his rich, earthy scent invading her lungs. Her body betrayed her. Even as she struggled to maintain the scowl, her heart rate accelerated.

He placed his hands against the wall on either side of her head, effectively caging her between his body and the wall. “I thought I’d check up on you.” He nuzzled her neck, just above her frantically racing pulse. “Make sure you guys were okay.”

She fought the urge to melt into his arms. “How thoughtful of you.” Definitely too breathless.

He pulled back, his customary cocky grin firmly in place. “You are a stubborn woman, Ryleigh Donnovan.”

She lifted a brow. “And don’t you forget it, Mister Maynard.”

His laughter warmed her in ways she didn’t want to think about, wasn’t yet ready to face.

His expression sobered quickly as he glanced at Mia’s door. “Is she all right?”

The concern etched in the depths of his eyes touched her as nothing else could have. His tenderness toward Mia had helped him worm his way into her heart, even when he frustrated her nearly to death.

“She has nightmares, says there’s violence coming to Cymmera. I don’t know if it’s just bad dreams or something…more.” She really wasn’t ready to contemplate the possibility Mia knew the future.

Jackson cradled her cheek in his hand. “It’ll be all right. I’ll have Kiara talk to her and check her over.”

Relief lifted some of the pressure from Ryleigh’s chest. “Thank you.”

Kiara was the strongest healer in Cymmera. It didn’t hurt that both Ryleigh and Mia liked the soft-spoken woman. And her daughter, Sadie, was adorable. A small glimmer of happiness surfaced at the thought of the rambunctious toddler. Yes. A visit to Cymmera this weekend would be good for her as well as Mia.

“I miss you, Ryleigh.” He traced the line of her neck with his finger.

“I miss you too.” What could she say? It was true. But it didn’t matter, nor would it change things.

“Come home with me.”

“You know I can’t. Not yet.”

“Yet?” He grinned and held her gaze.

She bit her lower lip to keep from smiling back at him.

Jackson groaned and pushed away from the wall. He turned his back on her and wandered down the hallway into the living room but didn’t bother turning on the light.

Ryleigh followed but remained silent. This was a sore subject between them. Now that Jackson had taken his father’s place as King of Cymmera, he wanted Ryleigh to rule beside him.

He finally turned back to face her. “I need you with me, Ryleigh. I need you to take your place at my side.” He raked a hand through his thick, dark hair.

Even in the dim light cast from the hallway, Ryleigh could make out tufts sticking up. She took a few steps closer to him, reached up and smoothed his tousled hair. “I know. But I can’t now. You know that, Jackson. You said you understood.”

He gripped her wrist and brought her fingers to his lips. “I do understand. But it doesn’t make it any easier to be without you.”

“It’s not easy for me either, you know.”

“Oh no?”

“No. I miss you. All the time. I think about you constantly. The urge to be with you is overwhelming.”

He pulled her into his arms.

She lowered her voice even more. “It scares me. I’m afraid of losing myself.” The confession didn’t come easy. Jackson was a strong man. A warrior. It would be easy to lose her own ambitions, her sense of self, her independence. She lay her cheek against his chest, letting the steady, rapid beat of his heart soothe her.

Jackson rested his chin on her head. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pressure you. The desire to claim you is almost irresistible now.”

She wanted Jackson so badly, wanted to be with him all the time. But her first responsibility was to Mia. She had to stay in her own realm until Mia was strong enough to survive permanently in Cymmera. She’d already resigned herself to the fact she’d one day live there. It seemed her destiny and Mia’s surely lay in that direction. But she hadn’t yet found a way to wrap her mind around her role as queen. It was just too far-fetched.

Jackson pulled back. He smoothed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “Come with me now.”

“We just went through all of this. I ca—”

“Not forever. Just for tonight. Come with me for a while.” He tugged on the hair he still held. “We’ll work on your training, since you’ve probably forgotten everything I taught you.”

Ryleigh laughed, relieved he’d let the difficult conversation drop. Mia should sleep the rest of the night, didn’t usually get up twice. On the off chance she did, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs would be there. The couple had been kind enough to take them in, and they would take care of her until Ryleigh returned. She shrugged. “Sure. I guess I could go for a little while.” She wouldn’t sleep anymore tonight anyway. “Let me change quick.”

“Fine, but hurry up about it. I don’t have all night.”

“Yes, dear.” She rolled her eyes but figured he couldn’t see in the dark.

He swatted her behind.

She may have figured wrong.

“Don’t roll those eyes at me, smart ass. As usual, you underestimate my special powers.”

She laughed, not quite sure if he really could see more clearly in the darkness or just knew her well enough to expect the gesture.

Jackson followed her down the hallway to her bedroom.

She opened the door but then stopped short and glanced over her shoulder. “Give me the bat, though. I want to put it away first. Otherwise I might forget, and I won’t have it if I need it.”

Jackson frowned. “What bat?”

A chill prickled her skin. He didn’t seem to be playing. “I propped a baseball bat outside Mia’s door when I went in to her.” It only took a split second to realize he didn’t know. She reached for the light switch.

This time, when he clamped a hand around her wrist, his grip held none of the tenderness his earlier touch had. “Shhh…” He pulled her against him and pressed his lips close to her ear. She strained to hear his whisper over the blood roaring in her ears. “Go get Matt up. Now. I’ll get Mia.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but he clamped his hand over it. “Now.” His urgent whisper propelled her toward the Jacobs’ door.

* * * *

Jackson resisted the urge to search the house. It wasn’t easy. As he crossed the few feet to Mia’s door, his hand itched to grip his sword, but he ruthlessly tamped down the need. He had to get the girls to safety first.

He threw Mia’s door all the way open. Darkness crouched in the corners despite the overhead light. “Mia.” He called her name as he crossed the room, hoping not to frighten her, even as he pushed back the covers.

Her eyes shot open before he could call her a second time. “Jackson?” She sat up and swung her feet off the bed. “What’s wrong? Where’s Ryleigh?”

“Come with me. Quickly. Stay quiet.” He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her from the bed, his gaze continually darting from one end of the room to the other, his free hand hovering over the sword at his side.


“Shh…Ryleigh’s coming.” He released her arm, placed his hand on the small of her back, and guided her toward the hall.

The instant Mia spotted her sister moving down the hallway toward her, she ran. Without a sound, she threw her arms around Ryleigh for the briefest second, then stepped back and turned to Jackson, her eyes pleading silently for reassurance.

A fist knotted in Jackson’s gut. Instincts he didn’t understand rose to the surface, hindering his ability to think logically. He’d been devoid of emotions for hundreds of years before he met Ryleigh and Mia, and the overload of feelings battered him. He must keep them safe.

Ryleigh kept an arm draped protectively over Mia’s shoulder, her eyes wide with fear. But anger filled them as well. And determination. The same need to protect her sister that had filled them the first time he’d seen her. The love that had kept him from killing her as he’d been instructed. He tore his gaze from hers in an effort to gain some sort of focus.

Eleanor Jacobs stood beside them, sword in hand, a dangerous scowl out of place on her delicate features. Her aggressive stance pulled him quickly back to reality.

He didn’t dare speak, didn’t dare mask the slightest sound that might signal an attack. He drew his eyebrows together and held her stare.

She used her sword to point toward the living room, signaling the direction her husband had gone.

He glanced quickly over his shoulder in the direction she indicated before leaning close to Ryleigh’s ear. “Seek out Elijah.” The prophet would keep them safe until he could figure out what was going on and return to Cymmera.

She nodded and pulled Mia closer.

As soon as he shifted his attention back to Eleanor, she sheathed her weapon at her waist, pressed her hands together, fingers entwined, and lifted them over her head.

The familiar tingle washed through Jackson. Like static electricity.

The intensity increased until she could no longer contain it. Eleanor ripped her hands apart, tearing a portal open in the dim hallway, revealing the Kingdom of Cymmera.

The familiar white stone walls of the castle brought immediate comfort, and Jackson had to resist the overwhelming urge to follow the girls through the portal.

Ryleigh turned to look at him, wisps of long blonde hair framing her face, and caught her bottom lip between her teeth. It sent a jolt through him, reminiscent of the jolt of electricity when he called a portal. He held her worried gaze until the last of Cymmera disappeared, tamping down the desire she elicited.

With the girls removed from immediate danger, Jackson’s resolve hardened. He turned a slow circle in the hallway, reaching out with all of his senses. He moved down the hallway toward Mia’s room, then stood just outside the door where Ryleigh had left the bat. Matt Jacobs would secure the property, search every inch of the yard and house. But he wouldn’t find anything. Whoever had been there was long gone, leaving no trace of what his intent had been.

Positioning his back against the wall, Jackson crouched and ran a hand over the spot where someone must have stood. He placed his hand flat against the floor, and let his eyes fall shut, trusting his instincts completely. If someone tried to attack, he would undoubtedly sense it. Energy flowed into his hand, heated his palm. Someone familiar had stood there. Someone he knew. He concentrated on that one spot, desperate to bring it into focus.

The heat dissipated. The knowledge was there, yet so elusive, like a wisp of smoke carried away on a soft breeze. He couldn’t quite grasp it. Giving up, he stood and faced Matt Jacobs. “Find anything?”

“Nah, nothing. But I didn’t really expect to.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “What do you want to do?”

Matt stared at him, sword held ready. “I don’t know.” With one last look around, he sheathed his sword at his side. “We’ve built a life here, Jackson. Eleanor and I. And yet…I don’t know. I guess sometimes I miss my home.”

Jackson grinned at the other man. “So come home then.”

Matt’s crooked smile didn’t quite reach his dark eyes. “Maybe. I don’t know. I wish it was that simple.” He sighed and propped his hand on his sword handle, fingered the jeweled design. “Anyway. For the moment, I’ll return to Cymmera, until we can figure out what’s going on. I don’t want Eleanor in danger. That’s part of the reason I left in the first place.”

The admission cut through Jackson. His kingdom was in danger, and because of that, some of his people had fled. “I’m sorry I put you in this position.”

The other man waved him off. “It wasn’t your fault. The girls needed protection. You simply did what you had to do. Besides, you made it very clear when you asked me to take them that I had the option of saying no. I like Ryleigh, and Mia’s a great kid. And they are princesses of Cymmera. No matter where I choose to live, my loyalty will always lie with my kingdom.”

“You’re a good man, Matt.” Jackson clapped him on the back. “Thank you.”

“Come on. Let’s go check on them.” Matt’s gaze darted one last time around the hallway, before he turned, lifted his hands, and tore open a portal to Cymmera. He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at Jackson. This time joy flickered in his eyes. “It’s been too long. I forgot how amazing it feels to hold all of that barely contained energy.”

They stepped through the portal into the castle and waited to be sure nothing followed them while the portal closed.

If he knew Ryleigh, she would settle Mia but not stray too far from her side. He thanked Matt again and jogged up the stairs into the tower that held Ryleigh and Mia’s chambers. He pushed open the heavy wooden door and found Ryleigh curled on the couch hugging a pillow against her chest.

She jumped up at the sight of him. “Did you find anything?”

“No. I didn’t really expect to, though.”

Ryleigh frowned. “Why not?”

“If someone was still there when I arrived, I would have sensed it immediately.”

“How can you be so sure?” She played her fingers along the edges of the pillow she still held.

“I’m a Death Dealer, Ryleigh, part of an elite team of soldiers. I’ve trained as a warrior for hundreds of years. My instincts are quite…strong.”

Her scowl almost made him laugh. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around the realities of his realm.

“Speaking of training, we can’t wait any longer. Why did you leave the bat outside the door?”

“I didn’t want to frighten Mia.” She peered at him from beneath her lashes, and heat shot straight through him.

He forced away the urge to soften his tone. “I’ve told you before, if you feel the need to grab a weapon, you never put it down. You must learn to trust your instincts. If someone had attacked, you would have been defenseless.” Not that the baseball bat she insisted on keeping close would be any defense against an attack from another realm. A tremor tore through him at the thought.

Her cheeks reddened. “I know. I’m sorry.” She flopped back onto the couch, clutched the pillow against her, and sulked.

She would, undoubtedly, be the death of him. “All right. Where’s Mia?”

“She’s settled in bed with a book.”

“Is she all right?”

Ryleigh shrugged. “I guess. She seems to be. She wants to learn everything there is to know about Cymmera, so she’s reading an old book Elijah gave her last time we were here.”

“Did you find Elijah when you got here?”

“No. I looked, but I couldn’t find him, so we just came here.”

“Let’s go.” Jackson reached out a hand. Waited.

Ryleigh threw the pillow at him, but then grabbed his hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet.

The urge to drag her into his arms battered him. He needed her. Needed her light to balance his darkness. Needed her wisdom, her calm, her support. “Come on. You must train.” Turning away from her proved nearly impossible, but he released her hand and forced himself.

“I know. I’m sorry. How is everything here, Jackson?” She weaved her fingers through his as they walked.

He shook his head. “I’m no king.”

She stopped short, the tug on his hand keeping him from leaving the chamber.

He stood in front of the closed door but made no move to face her.

“Look at me, Jackson.”

Biting back a small sigh, he relented and turned to her. Her eyes burned with…something he couldn’t quite place. Anger? Fear? Pride? Maybe a little of each.

“You are the King of Cymmera now.”

If he only had half his father’s strength, wisdom and courage, he might stand a chance. As it was…

She lifted a skeptical brow. “Is there anyone more suited to take your father’s place?”

Was there? Who knew? Elijah, maybe. The prophet had an important role in the kingdom, but he would often disappear for days at a time to meditate or do research.

“Jackson.” Ryleigh held his gaze.

He couldn’t look away.

“You can do this. You’re father trusted you to lead his kingdom in the event of his death. You bear the mark of the king.” She rubbed his shoulder where the tattoo marking him as a Death Dealer was crossed with a red slash marking him as the king.

“It would be so much easier if you would stay here with me. I still haven’t chosen a second in command or an advisor.” He gripped her hands tightly in his.

She started to pull away, but he held her firmly in place.

“You are meant to be my queen. You say I wear the mark of the king, but do you mention you wear the mark of the queen? How can you tell me to shoulder my responsibilities, while you shirk your own?” He was being too hard on her. It wasn’t fair, and yet he couldn’t stop.

“You know why I ca—”

“I know.” He released her and stepped back, held his hands up, palms toward her. A gesture of surrender. “I know, Ryleigh. And I understand. I even agree. When I’m not being a jerk.”

A corner of her mouth lifted, but her eyes remained serious, the deep blue turning an almost turbulent gray.

“It’s just…” Jackson had to move away. He paced, unable to remain so close and not touch her. How could he explain the wild range of emotions pummeling him? Emotions he barely understood, emotions that had been buried for hundreds of years until…Ryleigh.

Resisting the urge to claim her was proving harder than he’d expected. A constant pressure nagged at him, torturing him. One kiss. That’s all it would take to make her his forever. One kiss, while the ancients chanted the timeless ritual that would bind them as one. Make her his for eternity. He shook off the compulsion, the intense need to have her beside him.

His thoughts turned darker. Kai. His father’s most trusted advisor, his second in command. Jackson’s mentor. The man who’d turned his back on his kingdom, orchestrated the ambush that killed King Maynard. Kai’s betrayal cut deep into Jackson’s soul. His fists clenched on their own, and he lowered his voice. “I don’t trust anyone but you.”

Ryleigh lowered her gaze.

A stab of guilt prodded him. “Look, I’m s—”

The heavy wooden door to his chamber slammed open with a bang against the stone wall.

Jackson turned, stepped in front of Ryleigh, and unsheathed his sword, all in one smooth motion.

Chayce stood in the doorway, lips pressed firmly together, and let his gaze play over what he could see of Ryleigh. “Well, well, well.”

Jackson stiffened. Jealousy burned a hole in his gut. He tightened his grip on the sword. Ridiculous. Chayce was his brother. Even though they’d been having problems since just before their father’s death, they’d always been close. Jackson had to get his emotions into some kind of balance if he was going to rule even halfway effectively. Which was not looking too promising. He loosened his fingers and sheathed the sword, then leashed his anger. “What’s wrong, Chayce?”

His brother’s eyes widened. “Are you serious? What’s wrong?” His laughter held only sarcasm. “Let’s see. First I looked for you in the throne room, but only found my father’s empty throne collecting dust. Then I searched the Council Chambers. Of course, they were empty as well.”

Jackson started to seethe. It began as a slow burning in the pit of his stomach. Instead of standing by his side and offering support, Chayce had whined constantly since their father’s death. No matter what Jackson did, what decisions he made, Chayce disagreed.

“Let me ask you something, brother.” Chayce clenched and unclenched his hand around the hilt of his sword, his black gloves creaking with each movement. “Do you ever plan to avenge our father’s death? Or are you just going to continue playing with your girlfriend?” He gestured toward Ryleigh, a look of pure derision crossing his face, an instantaneous loss of control before he once again schooled his features.

Bile crept up Jackson’s throat. The burn fueled the fire his runaway emotions had already sparked. “My girlfriend is your queen.” Sort of. “You would do well to remember that and show the proper respect.”

Chayce’s words had held such passion. The desire to avenge their father an almost palpable need. Yet his eyes held nothing of that passion. Instead of the rage or pain he expected, Jackson found only emptiness. A black abyss.

Chayce stepped forward, stood toe to toe with Jackson. “I will not wait much longer, Jackson. If you will not accept your role, I will take the Cymmeran Guard and search for Kai myself. My father’s death will be avenged.” He poked a finger into Jackson’s chest. “You are a pitiful excuse for a king. You make us look weak. Incompetent. No wonder Kai—”

Fingers splayed against Chayce’s chest, Jackson slammed him against the wall. Even though Jackson’s conscience screamed at him to release Chayce, his hand had a mind of its own. “That will be all, Chayce.” Apparently, so did his mouth. “I have been patient with you since our father fell. I’m done. Whether you like it or not, I am now the ruler of this kingdom. You don’t have to agree with everything I say and do, but you will respect my title. If you have a problem with how I run things, call a council meeting, and we’ll all discuss it. Until then…” He gripped Chayce’s shirt and pulled him closer, until no more than an inch separated their noses. “Back off.” With one last shove, he finally eased his grip.

Chayce held his gaze. Then he smoothed his tunic, turned, and walked out.

Jackson ignored the instinct to call his brother back, to make things right with him. Most Cymmerans no longer had the capability to feel. And yet…Chayce’s words betrayed some leftover—

A soft touch on his shoulder pulled him from his contemplation.

“Are you all right?” Ryleigh stared at him, her eyes filled with concern.

“I’m fine.” Reality slapped him in the face. “He’s not wrong, you know.”

She frowned. “What do you mean? You send regular patrols to search for Kai. What more can you do, if you can’t find him?”

He hesitated, knowing she wouldn’t like his answer. “I could send the Guard to invade Argonas. Seize control.”

Ryleigh’s eyes went wide “You can’t just decide you want to rule a realm and take it over…can you?”

“Of course, we can. Especially since the leader of that realm was killed. With Daygan gone, someone has to take control. If I don’t do it…” He shrugged. “Someone else will.”

Ryleigh was silent for a minute, seemingly contemplating the information. When she finally spoke, it was quietly, tentative. “So why haven’t you? I mean…I’m not saying you should, I’m just asking why you haven’t. There must be a reason.”

“I can barely run the kingdom I’m currently responsible for, what in the world would I do with another one?” The risk of someone else taking over Argonas and invading Cymmera was high. But if that happened, his armies would defend their kingdom.

“Maybe someone good will take over Argonas.”

“Perhaps. But it’s highly unlikely. Argonas is a harsh realm. Filled with savages who will need to be brought under control, tamed. It’s not likely a kind-hearted, timid leader could do that. But there’s always the possibility whoever it is will be content to conquer his own realm and leave us alone.”

“Is that likely?”

“Who knows?” Jackson took her hand. “Chayce is not aware of the prophet’s predictions. If he was, he might feel differently. Elijah has been warning of danger coming.”

Ryleigh gasped and tried to pull her hand away.

He only gripped it tighter. “Take it easy. You said earlier Mia’s been saying the same thing. It is possible she’s seeing something, but it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s a seer. She may just be…aware…that something might happen. After everything she’s been through, it’s not really too far-fetched for her to have bad dreams or think violence is coming. Even without any special knowledge or talents.”

Fear filled Ryleigh’s eyes. “I guess.” She ran her tongue along her lips. “Can you stop it? The danger, I mean.”

He pulled his gaze from her full lips and tamped down his desire. “If I send our armies to Argonas, men will die. Most likely a lot of men. I don’t want to lose any more of my people if I can help it.” He lowered his head and massaged his temples. Did that make him a weak leader? He had no idea, but with the threat of Kai hanging over them all, he preferred to keep his warriors in Cymmera to protect their home and their people. He’d stood outside of Kai’s chambers and overheard Kai acknowledge someone else as his King. The other voice had been so familiar, even though it was distorted through a portal. It could have been Daygan, but it didn’t feel right in his gut.

Lost Princess

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