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Fernando realized he’d pushed too hard with Nicole.

He’d tried so hard to get her to understand his way of thinking—and forgive him. He should have been more gentle and patient with her, rather than demanding.

“How will this stop her from biting?” Nicole asked, looking up from Snookie.

He felt Nicole’s horse tense as he felt along the ridge on her back. “Horses bite for a lot of reasons. She’s exploring, but she also knows it’s a good way to protect herself. We just have to show her that she doesn’t need to protect herself anymore.”

As Nicole nodded once again, he saw more confidence in her eyes. She seemed more open and less afraid. Like the lessons that were healing Snookie were working in Nicole’s heart, as well.

Maybe he and Nicole would never get to a place where things were good between them. But he would do everything in his power to make sure her heart didn’t get broken again...

The Cowboy's Faith

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