Читать книгу For The Sake Of The Children - Danica Favorite - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

Some books are easier to write than others, and I’m going to go on record as saying this was one of the hardest. Bringing redemption to Rose was the easy part; the difficulty was realizing that the lesson about forgiveness was more than just her forgiving Silas for breaking her heart. Forgiveness seems to be an easy task, but as anyone who has struggled with forgiveness can tell you, it sometimes takes a lot more than saying, “I forgive you.” Writing Rose’s story forced me to look at places in my own heart where I’d been struggling to forgive, and I knew I couldn’t do her story justice unless I was willing to take a journey through my own unforgivingness.

If you’re like me, and there are things in your life that you’ve struggled to let go of, don’t lose heart! I’ve learned that the regions of the heart where forgiveness needs to permeate resemble the layers of the earth. Some are thin, porous, and water has no trouble finding its way to the deeper layers. Other areas are thick, dense rock, seemingly impenetrable. But nothing is impossible with God’s love, and ultimately, even the hardest of hearts can experience forgiveness at the very core.

Obviously, though I’ve poured my heart into this book, and shared a little about God’s work in me in this letter, there is so much more I can say. If you’d like additional resources on forgiveness, please visit my website at danicafavorite.com and look for the section on forgiveness.

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to connect with me at the following places:

Website: danicafavorite.com.

Twitter: Twitter.com/danicafavorite.

Instagram: Instagram.com/danicafavorite.

Facebook: Facebook.com/danicafavoriteauthor.

Abundant blessings to you and yours,

Danica Favorite

For The Sake Of The Children

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