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There have already been three decades of scientific documentation and successful clinical experience in the field of GBR—a truly impressive accomplishment! In this third edition of an already well-established textbook, authored and edited under the judicious leadership of Professor Danny Buser, a carefully selected international panel of experts has updated and shed light from all relevant angles on one of the most significant recent achievements of contemporary dental medicine. The text not only surveys 30 years of progress made; it also comprehensively defines the current state of the art in GBR and its tremendous impact, namely on implant dentistry. Clinical protocols aimed at reducing overall treatment complexity and time, as well as diminishing patient morbidity, have been developed and refined during recent years. In addition, based on the remarkable levels of reliability and predictability of GBR, numerous new avenues for clinical application have been opened.

In fact, the knowledge of which techniques and associated biomaterials are recommended today, linked to the indispensable robust scientific documentation, provide the clinician with the basis for target-oriented clinical decision making in view of the subsequent treatment. This includes the consideration of the practitioner’s individual state of education and competence. Namely, the SAC concept—which objectively differentiates straightforward, advanced, and complex cases in relation to the difficulty level of a given clinical situation—is of particular importance and has been strongly promoted by the main author for many years.

The current third edition of a textbook that has twice already previously reached the status of a true standard of reference has clearly outperformed its two predecessor issues. Beyond any doubt, oral surgeons, periodontists, prosthodontists, and general practitioners, as well as dental students, will find all the detailed information relevant to successful implementation of GBR in daily practice, ultimately to the benefit of countless patients.

Urs C. Belser, DMD, Prof em Dr med dent

Professor Emeritus

School of Dental Medicine

University of Geneva

Geneva, Switzerland

30 Years of Guided Bone Regeneration

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