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Additional eBooks by Dr Merrill

Dr Merrill has published three eBooks. The Northern California Camper provides a comprehensive review of the beautiful campgrounds in the Northwestern part of our magnificent state. This 143 page, 29,286 word book contains 98 colored photographs which reveal the beauty of our state and county campgrounds and the area surrounding them.

His second book, Growing Earthworms for Fun and Profit, was written to encourage the composting of household waste and newspaper with earthworms. Dr Merrill tells the reader how to convert their garbage into valuable forms of organic fertilizer and by so doing reduce their garbage bills and the amount of waste that is presently being deposited in our increasingly scarce landfills. To date, this is Dr Merrill’s best seller, possibly because it deals with such a pressing environmental problem.

Dr Merrill’s third eBook, So, You want to go to Medical School?, should serve as a wake-up call for high school and college students who are considering medicine as a career. In this book, Dr Merrill reviews some of the objectionable changes that have occurred in the medical profession over the past 50 years and points out the economic disadvantages of a medical education in today’s anti-capitalistic socialist driven society. This may be the most important book a prospective medical student and/or his parents will ever read.

What You Should Know About Prostate Cancer

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