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This is it, your 12-week challenge starts now…

This is the start of an exciting 12 weeks for you. You have already bought this book and made the all-important decision that you want to change things in your life. By carefully following this programme for a Complete Body Workout (see page 4) you can make positive changes. We have deliberately chosen 12 weeks because it is enough time for the programme to have a positive effect on your life but it is also a manageable chunk of time. Try to think back 12 weeks. What were you doing then? Chances are the time will have flown by. So the first thing is not to be daunted by what lies ahead.

You may have heard the question, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is, of course, “One bite at a time”. The next 12 weeks is certainly no elephant by the way (more like a warthog) but the principle remains the same: break a large task into smaller manageable chunks and achieve them one by one to reach your end goal.

You do this subconsciously all the time in your everyday life. For instance, you don’t clean your house with a single sweep of the brush. Instead you set about the job a room at the time; first the bathroom, then the kitchen, then the study and so on. You might even use the approach where you tell yourself, “I’ll just do the bathroom, then see how I get on.” The likelihood is that once you’ve started you carry on – but you got started only because you broke off a small chunk from the whole job that you knew you could handle. If you were to worry about the whole job all the time you’d probably let out a groan and go shopping instead.


There is only one thing you should be concentrating on right now and that is to start exercising. Don’t attempt to give up smoking and drinking and start eating salads just yet. You are more likely to give up if you try to change too much at once.

Everyone will have their own reason for embarking on this programme. You may have had a bet with a friend who told you your best days were behind you (nothing like criticism to spur us into action, eh?). Or you may have been looking for something you can do that will help you to lose weight. Whatever your personal reason, always remember to keep focused on the goal: to follow and finish this 12-week programme for a Complete Body Workout. This is the key.

Follow the programme and the programme will look after you. Do not expect to slide into your little black dress that’s become a bit too tight lately after just two workouts. Positive effects like feeling fitter, eating healthier foods and so on, are likely to happen naturally as a result of following a fitness programme correctly but don’t allow them to become goals themselves. If you do this it is likely you will lose motivation and stop exercising altogether. The chances of you enjoying any of the positive benefits are then zero.


Listen to your body. You know when you are feeling good and you know when you are not because your body tells you. Follow the programme and listen to advice but always remember the best guide you will have is your own body.


Make sure you visualize your success before you have even taken a physical step towards it. Your mind and body work together as a team and your head is the leader so take time to picture your success right away.

Next comes the bit you might be tempted to skip. Don’t. You need to spend a few seconds visualizing a successful end to these 12 weeks. We know this is strange to some people but trust us, it works. Close your eyes if it helps. Now picture yourself, feeling fitter and stronger and looking forward to your challenge. By visualizing a successful end result you are planting that success in your mind.

How to use your book

Right, now you’ve pictured the end result in your mind it’s time to start taking the steps needed to get there. You won’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize that this book is broken down into 12 large steps. Each will include a brief overview of what the focus of that particular week is all about. Read this at the end of the previous week so you’ve got time to digest it.

As with above, visualize the success of the week (come on, you’re an old hand at this). Don’t skip these few seconds of visualization as they are important in firming up the week ahead in your mind. You will also find snippets of information on things such as food and drink, mental fitness, sleep, and so on, that you can use during your 12 weeks.

The most important page in each section is Your Training Programme and Diary. Again, look over this page at the end of the previous week so the information has plenty of time to sink in. Also ensure you make space in your diary for each day’s activity and don’t relegate them to, “I’ll fit that in somewhere,” or you’ll get to the end of the day and realize there is no time left. Treat each session as you would an important meeting at work or an appointment with your child’s school.

At the bottom of these pages you will also see some traffic lights offering a ‘Do This’, ‘Consider This’ and a ‘Don’t Do This’. These are small tips that you can take on board during the week. You will also see a ‘Reward’ on this page, a little something to look forward to when the week is completed. Thoughtful eh? Ah, it’s nothing. Use the small notes column to the right of each day to record how you’re feeling. It’s a great way to end a session and fun to look back on later. You will be amazed at how quickly you progress.

Finally, at the end of each chapter there is a summary of what you have achieved that week. Again, use the notes column to jot down your thoughts and feelings as this will draw a line under the week and help prepare you for the next one. Then it’s time for you to give yourself a pat on the back and refer back to your reward.


When thinking of taking up an exercise programme for the first time or after an extended break it’s important that you check with your doctor that you are fit and healthy enough. Explain your plan and get the thumbs up before starting.

Your 12 Week Guide to the Gym

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