Читать книгу Minsky - Daniel H. Neilson - Страница 6
ОглавлениеI am deeply appreciative of the support of Diana DePardo-Minsky, Alan Minsky, and Esther Minsky in producing this book. My debts to Perry Mehrling, beyond the many citations in the pages that follow, cannot be listed exhaustively. I will mention only two: thank you for showing me Minsky, and thank you for teaching me how to be an economist (though I do it differently than you!). I have been enjoying conversations on all subjects with Tyler Bickford, Çağlar Girit, and Jackson Jones for decades now, and perhaps they will find some of those ideas reflected in these pages. Chris Coggins has been an inspiring co-teacher and friend. I thank Asma Abbas, who among many other lessons pointed me to Rancière (1987), where I found Jacotot (1823), which has been indispensable. An anonymous conversant helped me learn to navigate with map and compass. Whitney Harris was a dedicated research assistant and an indulgent counterparty in conversation and study. I am grateful to my students, and in particular to Jacques Ben-Avie, Mario Campbell, Mackenzie Dwyer, Darcy Pollard, Alice Sinclair, Jeff Tsen, John Zhang, and Chandler Zincke-Byer, each of whom taught me something during this project – thank you, it is what sustains me as a teacher.
I am grateful for and humbled by the work of three anonymous reviewers who read a quite rough version of the manuscript. I responded to many if not most of their suggestions in the text, sometimes by clarification rather than a change in course. I am likewise grateful for the editorial interventions of George Owers and Fiona Sewell at various stages of the process. The book is undoubtedly improved by all of these contributions, though I take responsibility for what remains.
Lena and Augie, I am inspired by how you love your work, and from you I am learning to love my own. Sara, you are present in every word, in every chapter, and in the entire book, but still I feel I have only just begun to speak to you.