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Housetraining Approach for a New Adult Dog


Like bringing a puppy at home, house training a new adult dog can be very crucial and need great effort from you and your family.

It is wrong to think that when a dog is already potty trained in another house, it will do the same as in your home too. This can be a disastrous idea.

When a dog is brought to a new home, it will undergo too many adjustments to its new environment. The dog won’t know in an instant that you do not allow peeing or pooping on the floor and most especially it won’t know whether you mind or care about it.

Never assume that an adult dog would get by and knows what to do, especially when some bad habits are already around for some time. What can you do is apply the basic puppy potty training and teach him your own potty schedule at home.

Here are some ways and tools on how you can teach your adult dog:

The first tool that you can use in the training is the crate or the restriction to a bathroom. After that, you can start setting the schedule of potty breaks. Adult dogs are often particular of the place to conduct potty outside from the place they are playing. They do not particularly do it on the place near where they are sleeping or eating. Look for a place in your yard or outside your home and return him afterwards where the dog can do its successive potty breaks. Keeping a journal to track your dog’s learning of elimination patterns is a way to monitor the potty breaks for several weeks.

Set the dog’s feeding time, during morning and evening. Not like us, dogs do not have a schedule in its life so the adjustments might be long before it is learned. But eventually, it is not about the age but the consistency you impose as its owner.

A dog that came from an abusive environment will take longer to train. This is because the dog will have trust issues due to its past experiences. The first thing you can do is win the dog’s confidence and that you are there to help get comfortable at its new home.

At the first stage of training, expect to have accidents and be always prepared to clean the mess and move on. Keep in mind that training an adult dog is as much as difficult in training a puppy. You start on the basic and ends like you end the training on a puppy. Both types of dogs will go through an adjustment periods. You need to be affectionate about the training and very consistent on the repetition.

Just always remember this one fact, an older male dog is habituated on marking his territory through urinating on it. This is a natural behavior that you will not break from it or you’ll break his spirit.

Tips and Tricks to Potty Training Your Dog: The Essential Guide

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