Читать книгу China and Africa - Daniel Large - Страница 9



ADB – African Development Bank

AfCFTA – African Continental Free Trade Area

Africa CDC – Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

AIIB – Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

ANC – African National Congress

APSA – African Peace and Security Architecture

ASEAN – Association of Southeast Asian Nations

AU – African Union

BRI – Belt and Road Initiative

BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

CARI – China–Africa Research Initiative (Johns Hopkins)

CCM – Chama Cha Mapinduzi party

CCP – Chinese Communist Party

CCTV – China Central Television

CDB – China Development Bank

CGTN – China Global Television Network

China EXIM – Export–Import Bank of China

CI – Confucius Institute

CIDCA – China International Development Cooperation Agency

CNPC – China National Petroleum Corporation

DFID – Department for International Development (UK)

DRC – Democratic Republic of Congo

EAC – East African Community

EU – European Union

FDI – Foreign Direct Investment

FOCAC – Forum on China–Africa Cooperation

FRELIMO – Frente para a Libertação de Moçambique

G20 – Group of 20

ID-CCP – International Department of the CCP

IDP – internally displaced person

IMF – International Monetary Fund

MFA – Ministry of Foreign Affairs

MINUSMA – UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali

MOFCOM – Ministry of Commerce

MOU – Memorandum of Understanding

MPLA – Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola

NEPAD – New Partnership for Africa’s Development

NDB – New Development Bank

NGO – Non-governmental organization

OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

PLA – People’s Liberation Army

POC – Protection of Civilians

PRC – People’s Republic of China

RMB – renminbi

SAIIA – South African Institute of International Affairs

SEZ – Special Economic Zone

SGR – Standard Gauge Railway

SOE – State-owned enterprise

SWAPO – South-West Africa People’s Organization

TAZARA – Tanzanian–Zambian Railway Authority

TICAD – Tokyo International Conference on African Development

UK – United Kingdom

UNCTAD – UN Conference on Trade and Development

UNGA – UN General Assembly

UNHRC – UN Human Rights Council

UNSC – UN Security Council

UNMISS – UN Mission in South Sudan

UNOG – UN Office at Geneva

US – United States of America

WHO – World Health Organization

WTO – World Trade Organization

ZANU–PF – Zimbabwe African National Union–Patriotic Front

China and Africa

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