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My love, in these pages I will speak to you as my Sister, as if we were sipping rosehip tea and sharing stories of how we first found our magick so long ago, deep within the wild place. I will tell you of your part in the collective feminine awakening, and I will honor you as a high-level Priestess. I am neither above you nor below you; we sit at the same table. I, too, have felt the heart-centered ignition of a soul well nourished, and you already know what I am about to tell you. Woman, you have a Witch’s soul buried deep within your busy psychic terrain, and that part of you yearns to live in alignment with the rhythms of nature, to mark transitions with ritual, and to be healed with the medicine of sisterhood. These are the keys to your Witch’s liberation, and they are already yours. You, my Sister-Witch, already know of your birthright as a woman of this wild world, but I am calling on you to remember. You already know, but now, right this minute, I ask you to open your eyes wide to the Mystery and surrender to your inner alchemical wildness that is Witch.

A communal subterranean yearning for wild woman spirituality is drumming underneath our feet, and this longing has been born of the feminine’s spiritual starvation. Notably and understandably dissatisfied are we with our apparent limited options for divine connection. Facing a spiritual void, we are pushed too quickly toward prepackaged religious meals, sold to us in myriad forms. Left with famished souls, we dismiss any hope of finding true spiritual autonomy and commit to a path far more limiting than what we deserve. Wild One, we deserve it all. As women, we are the embodiment of the feminine divine and the very essence of the cosmic dance. Our spirits burn with star-stuff, and we were born to be spiritually empowered.


I see you now, a woman whole in her soul, body, mind, and spirit. Crouching in the shadows of the triple-locked broom closet you are. You may feel it is not worth the trouble to stand firm on your muddy bare feet and use those three keys you hold in your left hand. You may fear condemnation. You may want so much to be in control when you have a bone-deep knowing that your most authentic self is limitless, untamed, and ancient. In these pages I will show you how to open the door that keeps your spirituality so neatly and apologetically contained. Unlock this closet carved with the claw marks of your inner Witch, and liberate Her soul, and I will call you out as a Woman Most Wild. Hear me when I tell you there is nothing to fear, and take these words to heart: Opening that door will bring you to the sweetest homecoming you have ever known.

Remember the innocence with which you used to welcome the first warm morning in spring. You became a medium for the sheer electricity of new life. You were fed by the rising gush of Gaia’s green juices as they groundswelled under your grass-stained knees. Sister, you, so raw and awake, knew in your blood what it meant to be a wild Witch long before you were a grown woman. In the heat of summer, your Maiden’s intuition told you to lie in the grass and be infused with sensual solar power, and you listened. When the leaves began to drop so ceremoniously from their branches in autumn, you relished the death ritual with all that you were, knowing you would soon rest in your fire-lit nest as the first winter’s snow coated the outside world. You were Witch as a young girl, my love, and you are Witch still.

Pause now. Close your eyes. Sink into the softness of your perfect body. Sift through your memories, recollections of a time that may seem too far-gone to be real, and affirm who you are: I am a Witch. In this moment, you are on the edge of reclaiming your wild woman’s soul as part of your identity. I, as your sister, hold that you are harboring an untamed, unseen creatrix who, when unleashed, will offer you the truest, most sacred, most needed nourishment to those raw parts of yourself that are so thirsty for greater meaning and deeper authenticity.


You need not be fully comfortable with naming yourself Witch. It only makes sense, after thousands of years of society’s sharp blade stabbing deep into women’s divine integrity, for the word Witch to provoke an automatic belly tightening. It was not so long ago when any number of practices aligning your feminine soul with the natural world would have led to legal, if not fatal, ramifications. You know this, and such a deep knowing is as inherent to your blood as iron. Our soul-wound still bleeds, and it runs bright red for the loss of feminine spirituality. While I wholeheartedly believe that many religious paths need not be incompatible with the ways of the Witch, there are those who will tell you differently. I make a promise to you now, my Sister, and tell you that the way of the Witch is entirely your own.

I promise that I will not argue for you to relinquish any part of your belief system you hold as true. I vow to continually affirm your spiritual autonomy. You are who you say you are, and there is no Priestess so enlightened she has the right to rob you of the names you have given yourself. Harvesting your Witch’s soul means making good and personally relevant use of what I call the three keys to the broom closet. These are your own physical, emotional, and spiritual rhythms as they intimately converse with those of the natural world; your personal practices of magick and ritual; and, most important, your sacred circle of other wild women. In these pages I will offer you spicy tastes and vibrant visions of Witchcraft as a way of life. I will ask you to listen, and listen closely, for heart-whispers and guttural howls from deep within your feminine psyche. Listen as your Witch consciousness awakens and speaks in Her own voice, and know that the call of the wild never sounds the same to any two sets of ears.

I call you out as a Witch but offer you no religion. Instead, what I offer you in these pages are glimpses of how your soft and perfect being may be infused with the marrow of ritual, magick, and circle-craft. My purpose is not to gift you with an entirely new way of living but to offer clarity on an alternative way of being in this world. You have the bright eyes of a Woman Most Wild, my Sister, and I will show you how to use those soul-windows to see the majestic beauty in all things but especially in your holy self. In these pages I will invite you to insert those three keys into their magickal locks and set your Witch’s soul irrevocably free.

Know the Witch as a wise presence that is fiercely feminine. Know the Witch as a wild woman who has embraced nature’s spiral dance. Know her as a keen-eared, sharp-sighted healer who has her own way of conversing with the world. Now, know yourself as Her. To be a Witch is to be a woman of the Earth. To be a Witch is to see the mystical in the mundane, bright beauty in the fertile darkness, and, most salient, the sheer merit of being unapologetically and fearlessly you. You are poised to experience the liberation of unbridled spirituality, and I am honored, just for a time, to walk with you on your path.

The very foundation of my sacred work is a hearty formidable bridge between the traditional women’s circle and the Witches’ coven. You, my Sister-Witch, crave both the warm womb-space of a women’s circle and the electric magick of coven work. Coven is a very broad term for a group of men and women who practice many variations of paganism, both religious and nonreligious. Traditional covens have nourished the spiritual thirst of many men and women throughout the global community, as has Wicca, the diverse religion firmly grounded in the Craft. Alternatively, Witchcraft is a flexible, liberating, and nonreligious practice that serves as the undiluted, fully adaptable essence of feminine spirituality.

Witchcraft is an inclusive practice that demands nothing of you, and there is no test you must pass before you can call yourself a Witch. Know this, my love: Any spiritual path that renders you choiceless is not truly a feminist path, and the spiritual poverty affecting many women comes largely from our long-standing exclusion from positions of power in patriarchal religion. The very nature of spirituality is connection and union, with the divisive dogmas of many religions not only precluding access for women and members of the LGBTQ+ community but also misaligning with the very necessary role of spirituality in a human life.

Deeply rooted and malicious weeds strangle many seemingly feminist traditions, and rigidly organized Witchcraft is no exception to this unfortunate, often unnoticed reality; hierarchy, greed, control, and ego-born power will compromise the best-intended and most compassionate spiritual paths. The remedy to the pervasive exclusion of authentic equality within spiritual communities is to infuse all facets of the organization with the freedom of choice, inclusion, and nonhierarchal structures. Women have been uniquely robbed of their spiritual power, and the reclamation of wild spirituality, that is, practices and understandings that acknowledge the untamed, holy, and spiraling qualities of the natural world as living within all beings, is paramount to pan-gender equality.


I wrote these pages for the woman who has sensed her inner Wild One poking at her ribs but has kept her contained, unsure of how to negotiate her liberation. My words are also for the seasoned Witch seeking some literary nourishment, the Witch’s friend hoping to understand her Soul-Sister better, and anyone who has sensed a spiritual void born from the loss of the divine feminine. While this book is primarily for those who identify as women, your wild spirituality does not require a physical womb; it only asks you to honor the fusion of your body and psyche to your feminine spirit. Though ritual is a vital and load-bearing pillar in the Witch’s house, this book is much more of a three-part ode to your inborn wild wisdom than a how-to manual for conducting rituals and crafting spells. A wealth of books is available to those seeking such resources, and I would urge you to begin by considering the foundations I offer here. We are both Priestesses on our own paths, but in these pages, my bare feet will step in time with yours.

Just as salient, let me say that while I believe the reclamation of Witchcraft is an act of women’s liberation, an affirmation of our feminine birthright in a world where we have been historically subjugated, it is much more a cultivation of feminine spirituality that is positively and fiercely pan-gender. The global community has been collectively orphaned by the loss of the sacred feminine, and wild woman spirituality is, and indeed will be, instrumental in reviving Her. All human beings, independent of a dominant gender orientation, embody qualities of the masculine and feminine, and the whole of humanity has suffered from the aggressions of the immature and nongenerative masculine. I have titled this book Woman Most Wild not to isolate anyone who does not identify as a woman but to empower toward freedom the wild woman archetype within the global collective.

Here I want to say that the rejection of transgender women from traditional women’s circles has been an unfortunate, underhanded instrument of oppression labeled as feminism. Those who resonate with the wild woman archetype have an inner value system that is fiercely inclusive, and the feminine is not defined by biology. The Wild Mother opens her arms to all of us, and we must take great care to honor all her children, letting our circles be a microcosm of the world we want to live in.

Uncaging the wild woman means rallying against oppression, standing up for those who are sociopolitically and socioeconomically precluded from standing on their own, and honoring the beauteously untamable and miraculously unruined spirit within us all. We are all of the Earth, and it is wild. Your spiritual liberation is an act of social justice. The presentation of the twisted-nosed Crone-Witch in fairy tales as the poisoner of children is an instrument of feminine suppression that very much parallels the denigration of the environment. The Earth is feminine, and the continual threats to Her autonomy have coincided directly and historically with the oppression of women. By robbing the mythical Witch of her beauteous humanity and rendering her a malicious presence, the tales of our childhood rendered her socially powerless. The Witch is a holy healer who attunes Herself with the drumbeat of nature. She has heard the trees crying, and She will no longer allow herself to remain in the shadows while the voiceless are ignored. Her time has come, and She is beckoning for you to come wander with Her.


Wild woman spirituality ignites a soul-deep kinship with nature, and this is true whether you live miles from your closest neighbor or within a densely populated city. As a wholly inclusive practice, the ways of the Witch are many and varied. This Craft excludes no one, and the urban Witch is uniquely positioned to have greater access to certain resources, the greatest of which is other like-minded wild women and existing circles. Most of the nature-based rituals described in this book can be adapted for those without access to open and green spaces. If you live in a place without safe access to open and green spaces, I recommend dedicating a space in your home to your Holy Wild; ideally, this is a place where sacred relics, plants, or symbols of the natural world can remind you that you are forever held by the Earth and Her elements. This is your Wild Home within your home, your sanctuary. Moreover, if you live in an urban setting, consider the ways in which the built structures frame the wild world rather than suppress it. Acknowledge the magick of the city as a sacred circle in its own right in which high-energy vibrations abound, human connections are readily forged, and the pulse of Mother Earth beats beneath it all.


Your spiritual liberation comes from a Craft that ebbs and flows over rough ground, carving out deep trenches in places where you crave it most often, spilling over its banks in times of loss or fierce need, and finding new rivulets when the high-edged ego begins to crumble to the holy ground. Let all parts of you feed this wild river, especially the exotic mud of your sensuality and the many-colored waters of your creativity. The Witch is being re-wilded through the reclamation of the fem-force, or Shakti, and She is being re-wilded through you.

Just like your spiritual path, each part of this book is intended to be unpacked in your own way and in your own time. Some chapters you may liken to a thick, hot, ceremonial cacao drink; they are not to be consumed quickly or absentmindedly, and the words may make your heart beat faster and take time to digest. Other chapters may slide down your gullet like so much rosewater, clean and familiar. The integration of any new spiritual practice should curdle your blood just a bit, for it threatens the natural human ego’s desire to already know everything about its world. Know that every word of this text has been written from my Witch’s soul to yours, with the feminine divine’s voice echoing at my heart center with all the grace of our grandmothers. I invite you now to read wildly, to loosen your grip on the three keys of rhythm, ritual, and circle-craft, and to begin planning the festival of your sacred homecoming. I will hang the banners for you, my love, and I will invite every Wolf-Woman I know to your Witch’s debutante ball.

Woman Most Wild

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