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October 4, 2013: Johnny’s new plan


“Enjoy, Roger. Was the food nice?” Johnny asked his best friend Roger.

“Do you want to provoke me, man? How can anyone not like a meal like this?” answered Roger and licked his fingers.

“What’s up, man? Food is like life for you. I just asked a question and you attack me right away, like a German shepherd”, protested Johnny.

“Food is my life, because I love life. Let me eat in peace. What’s your problem? I’m not telling you whether it was nice or not. Do what you want. For all I care you can get up and leave. No, the other way round, after eating I get up and leave. You ordered me here!” Roger attacked again.

“If you pay me back the money for the food you can get up and leave. Otherwise you will stay put so we can talk about what I wanted to see you for”, countered Johnny.

„You see? You need me and I don’t need you. I have decided not to talk to you. Yes, I am offended and that’s why I’ll keep my silence now. Full stop” said Roger.

“Why offended? Offended because of the tasty fish with the fresh fried bananas?”

“Yeah. You knew exactly how nice the food was and you still asked me? That’s just pure provocation. For your information, neither the fish nor the banana was the best part. No, the dip was, the spicy dip and the problem is one gets thirsty after that. But instead of asking the right questions you confuse people with absurd things”, argued Roger.

Johnny knew his friend very well. He had, as always, not much in his pocket but a big mouth to make up for it. He knew exactly what Roger was going for. When he wanted to eat or drink something, he always attacked. Acted like he was offended, especially when Johnny needed him. Johnny knew his style of blackmailing, but Roger still managed to always somehow pressure him.

“In your opinion, what would have been the right question?” asked Johnny.

“Do you want another beer? Yes, that would’ve been it. Not that I’d actually like a beer. But that would’ve been the right question” Roger replied, facing the other way so he didn’t have to look Johnny in the eyes.

“I knew it. I was sure you just wanted something to drink. You’ll get nothing. You already said you don’t want anything anyway” said Johnny.

“But now I do, because when I keep saying I don’t you’ll think you’ve been right. I want that beer, or I’m leaving!” threatened Roger.

“Get up and go. Then you’ll see where you’ll get your beer from”, answered Johnny, this time determined not to give in to Roger’s blackmailing.

“Okay, that’s what you get. I’m not going to talk about you plan later either”, Roger tried to hold up to Johnny.

“If you don’t go, I will”, warned Johnny.

“Okay, stay, I’m leaving. And don’t expect me to thank you for that food!” Roger wanted to see how far Johnny was really going to go. He acted as if he was about to leave. He got up, looked through his bag, cleaned the table and was obviously hanging back to see if Johnny wouldn’t interrupt him.

“Okay, just one beer, man. I just need one beer to flush down the good food and listen to your plan. Just one beer, Johnny.”

“What’s the magic word, Roger?”

“Please, I’ll say please if that makes you feel potent.”

Johnny ordered his beer and Roger’s mood had lit up immensely all of the sudden.

“Seriously, just because of this beer we had to argue for 30 minutes?” Johnny complained.

“I didn’t argue with anyone. This is good beer. With this heat and this dip I’m feeling great, Johnny, great. Fire away!”

“Thanks for your tip from before”, Johnny started off.

“What tip? I’m constantly giving you tips”, bragged Roger.

“The one with the internet” replied Johnny.

“Slowly, hold on a second. Does that mean things with Armina haven’t worked out?”

“Man, I am never going to touch that woman again. Never, ever. She’s playing me. Even though I’ve done extra shifts in bed I haven’t managed to convince her. You know those older women. Never again. But in Wadjo’s internet café I have found another victim. She’s still very young. I have spied on her; she was on a site where women look for men from Europe. I talked to Wadjo; he’s going to get me her nick name and the name of the web site.”

“What’s your plan then? What do you have in mind?” asked Roger.

Johnny told him everything he had planned.

“Good job, Johnny, good idea. But I have a better one. You said she’s 18. The perfect prey. She’s the hope of her family. They can count on her and speculate. Now, when Wadjo has given you her details, keep an eye on her and wait until she’s online again. Then you quickly go to another café and contact her over the site. Instead of going over your friend in Paris you’ll do it yourself. You know, our women have become very careful with everything that’s got to do with Paris. They’re not better than us, they are worse”, argued Roger.

„Man, what am I supposed to do now? Should I not even tell her I am from Paris myself?” Johnny asked almost annoyed.

Roger smiled slightly, finished his beer and explained to him what his plan was. All the details had been covered.

“With this plan, brother, you’ll crack even the toughest nuts” he said proudly and threw a gaze at the empty bottle on the table.

Since Johnny didn’t want to have another beer discussion, he ordered another beer without being asked.

“That’s it, Johnny. That’s it. That’s how men with brains act“, said Roger contently, as the barkeeper brought his beer.

“What if she speaks English?” asked Johnny.

“Then we will talk in Spanish, Portuguese, even Russian for all I care” answered Roger and added: “And I’m going to translate all of it.”

“But man, I don’t speak a single one of those languages and Russian even less”, protested Johnny.

“You’ll even speak Chinese if you want to leave this country. Let’s wait. God loves tricksters. Didn’t you know? I bet this girl doesn’t speak English“, reckoned Roger.

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