Читать книгу The Brunellesci Baby - Daphne Clair - Страница 2

“I have an idea,” he said abruptly. “A solution.”


She stiffened. It entered her mind that he was quite deliberately using his considerable sexual magnetism to persuade her into something she might regret. With an effort, she took a step away in an attempt to escape that seductive aura.

He reached for her, his hands closing about her upper arms. “Listen.” He paused, and for a moment she thought doubt, uncertainty, entered his eyes. Then he said, “There’s one way out of this dilemma, if you agree.”

Warily, she stared at him. She mustn’t be influenced by the effect he had on her, the physical responses that clamored to be set free from the stern restraint she kept on them. “Agree to what?”

He was looking at her as though willing her to something, his gaze hypnotic. His jaw jutted, and she saw the muscles of his throat move as he swallowed. He said, “To marry me.”

The Brunellesci Baby

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