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Chapter 2

Four years later

“You bitch!”

Nikki heard the shattering glass just as she entered her office.

“You need to stop looking in the mirror.”

Nikki ducked as a handcrafted vase she’d purchased in Peru went flying past her. She straightened and saw two finely groomed women ready to pulverize each other. Only minutes ago she’d received a frantic call from her assistant, Abby Lagoria, that she had an unexpected guest in her office. The tone of the call had surprised her because usually Abby was unflappable. She was a woman who had the kind of face suited for a cubicle. Non-smiling, dreary and forgettable, but Nikki had hired her because she was efficient. She had a remarkable ability to get things done. No one canceled on her, and bills were always paid. Nothing seemed beyond her capabilities—until now. Evidently here was a situation beyond her. This was a crisis.

The mistress of Senator Allwater had shown up without an appointment. Nikki never saw clients or potential clients without an appointment. It was the best way to train people in how to treat her. She’d discovered early on that you couldn’t be too available to the upper class, or they’d devalue you. Exclusivity was a must. And she was very exclusive. Unfortunately, the usually refined Meredith Weedon had broken protocol, and so had Elissa Gold, Allwater’s second mistress. They’d come to her office, both laying claim to the newly designed apartment he’d paid for.

Meredith, his first mistress, was almost an exact replica of Allwater’s wife: old money and new breasts. His second mistress was a midlife crisis cliché—early twenties, tight clothes and big earrings. She had an expensive beauty that would grow more costly as she aged, because she likely wouldn’t age well. She was reckless with her skin care and smoked and drank as if they were a dietary requirement. But she was young enough to keep the consequences of her behavior at bay, for at least a decade.

Meredith was no less expensive, just better at maintaining herself. Good breeding and care had given her an advantage, but while Meredith was more sophisticated, Elissa was more clever than she looked. Allwater usually kept them separate. The fact that they were both here meant that something had gone terribly wrong.

Meredith flicked back a strand of blond hair, her hand trembling with anger. “I was with him first and have known him a lot longer than you.”

Elissa’s full, pouty mouth spread into a cold smile. “Honey, every man eventually likes to get a younger model.”

“New toys always get replaced.”

Elissa’s smile fell and she picked up a glass statue of two swans in the shape of a heart.

Nikki had had enough. “Put that down,” she said. She saw Elissa’s mouth kick up in a quick malicious grin. “Drop it and I’ll throw a punch that will have you flying through that window.”

Elissa blinked, surprised by Nikki’s violent threat, and slowly set the statue down when she realized from Nikki’s stance that she wasn’t bluffing. “Who are you?”

“The owner of this place,” Abby said, disgusted by the woman’s ignorance.

“Oh, the decorator.”

“The designer,” Nikki corrected.

“She wouldn’t know the difference,” Meredith said with disdain.

Elissa narrowed her eyes. “I know the difference between a cow and a heifer.”

“Sure you do, dear. They were your parents,” Meredith returned.

Nikki spoke up before Elissa lunged at Meredith. “Now, let’s be civil.” She stepped forward and winced at the sound of crunching glass beneath her feet. “I think we can come up with a compromise. There’s enough room to accommodate both of you. I will create two entirely separate apartments—each with its own entrance—and will design your own special space to reflect you intimately, a space that will keep your favorite playboy entertained for life.” She knew she’d hit on the perfect solution when Meredith began asking for a gazillion mirrors and chandeliers, while Elissa requested items for a “naughty” lair to call her own. She recorded their requests and made two separate appointments for further discussion. “Consider it done. I’ll let Angelo know that I’ll be making some changes,” she said, using Allwater’s code name.

After the two women left, Nikki collapsed into her chair.

“I’m so sorry,” Abby said, glancing around the room. “They just showed up and then—”

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

Her phone rang and Abby answered. She put it on hold and turned to Nikki. “It’s Benjamin.”

Nikki groaned. Benjamin Leano was a bad habit she needed to break. She thought of coming up with an excuse not to talk to him, then sighed and held out her hand. Abby gave her the phone, then left the room.

“You’re in town?” she said, trying not to sound bored.

“Yes,” he said, surprised. “How did you know?”

It wasn’t a hard deduction. He called her only when he was in town. He was a photojournalist who traveled the world but managed to remember her whenever he was in New York. Two years ago it had seemed like a great arrangement, but now it was wearing thin. “Just a guess.”

“What’s wrong? You sound distracted.”

She looked around her office at the broken vases, the glass, the crooked picture and the tilted plant. She briefly shut her eyes, feeling the slight pounding of an oncoming headache. “Client issues.”

“Poor baby. Let me take you out.”

“That sounds good, but I’m busy.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “This isn’t working.”

“I’ll wait if you need to switch phones.”

“Not the lines, us.”

He paused. “You want something more? Marriage? Fine. I’ll marry you.”

Nikki laughed at his flippant attitude. “No, I don’t want to marry you.”

“Why not?”

“Benjamin, you don’t want to get married.”

“That’s not the point. Why wouldn’t you want to marry me? I’m a great catch.”

“Yes, for someone else.”

“Are you interested in someone else? Are you seeing another man?”

“No, it’s not that.” She was just bored. Everything about her life had become routine. The wealthy clients and their tirades, the social events. There were no happy surprises or new discoveries. “I just need a break.”

“We don’t have to go to—”

“Sorry. I have another call I have to take. I’ll call you later.” She hung up before he could argue.

Abby came into the room, looking composed again. She straightened the tilted plant. “I’ve called housekeeping.”

“Thank you.”

“Is Benjamin stopping by?”

“No, never again.”


Nikki looked at her, shocked. “What do you mean?”

“You deserve better. When are you going to start designing your own home?”

“I’ve already designed my place.”

Abby shook her head. “No, not a place. A home—with a fully furnished kitchen and a big family room.”

“And a picket fence and lawn?” Nikki shook her head and laughed. “You’re talking to the wrong sister. That’s not me.”

“Everyone deserves their own space, where they feel complete.”


She knew that better than most. That was why she’d become a designer. She knew what a room could do, how it could make a person feel. But she didn’t need a home of her own. She really liked her apartment and the friends and parties she hosted there. She was just restless. She only wished she knew what to do. She was young, attractive, with a good job and nothing really to complain about, yet she felt like running away.

Nikki stood. “What I need is a challenge. Something big and a little scary. Something to test my skills. Unpredictable.” She looked around her destroyed office and groaned. She obviously wouldn’t find it here. She needed the outdoors; she thought better there. “I’m going to go for a walk.” She grabbed her bag and sunglasses.

Nikki walked several blocks, but the restless feeling still followed. She crossed over to go into Central Park. Then her phone rang. “Yes?” she said as she saw a driver give another the finger and a young child drop his ice cream on the pavement and burst into tears.

“It’s Monica. Do you have a minute?”

“Sure.” She stepped around a pile of dog poop someone had neglected to pick up. “What’s up?”

“It’s Lucian.”

She stopped. “Has something happened? He’s been out of the hospital for some time now and I thought he was doing fine.”

“He is,” Monica said quickly to reassure her.

“Good,” Nikki said, starting to walk again. Over the past several years she’d become invested in Lucian’s recovery. She’d been just as thankful as J.D. and Monica that he’d pulled through.

“This isn’t a physical problem. It’s his house. He’s been able to rebuild, but the interior is a problem.”

“I’m there,” Nikki said without hesitation. This was the answer to her problems. She knew it. Already a sense of excitement had replaced her restlessness.

“You haven’t let me finish.”

“You don’t need to finish,” Nikki said, picking up her pace. If she were five years old, she would start to skip. “You need me to help him design his place, and I’m up to the challenge.”

“I’m glad, but there are a few things you should know.”

“I’ll find out when I get there.”

Monica hesitated. “He’s not the easiest man to work with. Especially now. He uses a cane and J.D. says he can be very impatient and domineering.”

Nikki brushed her sister’s concerns aside. “I’ve dealt with that type before. Don’t worry about me. I need a change and this is just the kind of project I was waiting for. Nothing can stop me from seizing this opportunity. Give me the details when I get home. I’ll call you.”


“Bye.” Nikki hung up the phone and released a little squeal of delight. This project was just what she needed. She’d finally get a chance to see inside the elusive Lucian Kontos’s island mansion and meet the man. She wasn’t sure which intrigued her more.


She spun around at the sound of her name and saw Benjamin running toward her. He was the kind of man who looked good in front of a camera and behind it. He had an easy smile and a great body. He moved with practiced grace, which made you feel comfortable around him. He was also the kind of man who was easy to say yes to, which was why Nikki hadn’t broken up with him months ago.

“I’m so glad I found you,” he said, giving her a quick hug.

Nikki stared at him, stunned, and annoyed that he felt and smelled so good. Whatever he asked her, she had to say no. “What are you doing here?”

“I was in the area when I called and I spoke to Abby and she told me you’d gone for a walk. I thought you’d end up here, but I wasn’t sure.”

Damn. Even her walks were routine. “Benjamin,” she said slowly. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m doing what I should have done years ago.” He got down on one knee. “Nikki—”

She tugged on his sleeve. “Get up. Don’t do this,” she said as some passersby stared.

“Marry me.”

Nikki knelt in front of him. “I don’t want to get married. I just got a great assignment and that’s where my focus is right now. My career.”

“We don’t have to get married right away.”


He seized her shoulders. “I don’t want to lose what we have. It wasn’t until this moment that I realized how much you mean to me.” His brown eyes melted into hers. “Please say yes.”

Saying yes to him had always been so easy. It had also been fun. She’d never regretted a moment. He was a good man. Could she get a better one? Could she find someone else who allowed her to have her own life? Who didn’t make demands on her time? Was it right to break up something just because she was bored? Maybe she was being too hasty. Just say yes. “Yes,” she said, but the moment she did, her answer felt wrong. She didn’t have the courage to take it back.

He kissed her. “I love you. We’ll make each other happy.” He grabbed her hand and slipped on a ring.

“Benjamin, wait,” she said, amazed by the large stone. “I may have—”

“I know it’s a big decision, but we’ll make it work.”

“How much did this cost you?”

“Doesn’t matter. You’re worth it, and I’ll spend the rest of my life telling you so.”

“This is all happening so fast.” She started to take the ring off. “I can’t say yes to this. Let me think some more.”

Benjamin covered her hand. “No pressure. Just think of it as a gift and nothing else. I want you to wear it so that wherever you go, you’ll think of me.”

Nikki grinned. “Is that all?”

“No.” His tone grew serious. “I want other men to know who your heart belongs to.”

Her heart. Did her heart really belong to him? Had it ever belonged to anyone? It didn’t matter. At least it was a change in their relationship, taking it to a deeper level, and she had to appreciate that. She wanted to tell him so, but her thoughts drifted to new island adventures, which she knew was her answer to everything.

Monica hung up the phone and stared at her husband, who was giving their son, Markos, named after the doctor who’d helped save Lucian’s life, a piggyback ride, while their daughter, Starla, busied herself with her coloring book.

“Well, that was fast,” J.D. said, surprised.

“She said she would do it.”

“Did you tell her about—”

Monica shook her head and clasped her hands. “She wouldn’t let me explain anything. She agreed before I even asked the question.”

“So she doesn’t know about—”

Monica shook her head again. “J.D., she doesn’t care, and when Nikki wants something, nothing else matters. She’s ready to do this.”

“She’s going to be in for a big surprise.”

“Nikki can handle Lucian. I hope he can handle her.”

J.D. grinned. “Lucian can handle anything.”

“Did we just mix dynamite with gunpowder?”

J.D.’s grin grew. “All we can do is sit back and watch the fireworks.”

Secret Paradise

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