Читать книгу Sparks - Dara Girard - Страница 2

Dawn continued to study him behind her menu.


She’d been sneaking glances at him since they’d first met. Had he not been a man, she would have called him beautiful, but his contradictions got in the way of such a simple description. Everything looked dwarfed around him. The chair he was sitting in looked like a toy, yet he moved with grace. He had a thin top lip as though drawn with the use of a ruler, but his bottom lip was full and sensuous. She wondered if that feature annoyed him.

His eyes were a surprise. When his gaze first fell on her face she’d taken an involuntary step back. She had expected dark brown eyes, but his were light brown. They looked the color of biscuits just pulled out of the oven. However, they didn’t reveal much. Not warmth or coldness—nothing. She couldn’t say the same for his voice. It betrayed a number of emotions in one word. That’s when she knew how to describe him. He was an opera—bold, majestic and enthralling.


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