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SKYE thought of the door, of running, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away, let alone the rest of her.

His hair was still light, now a short-back-and-sides cut, but with the hair on top standing on end rather than combed back. His jaw was angular—she used to trail kisses down it, and his brow was creased—she wanted to step forward and smooth it with her fingertips like she’d done once, a long time ago, but she was frozen to the spot.

His deep blue eyes widened. ‘Skye?’

‘Nick,’ she gasped.

‘I am trying to pin here,’ said Charlie from below.

‘You look—’ his gaze ran over her, over her simple grey skirt, white blouse and jacket ‘—wonderful.’

‘You too.’ She tore her attention from his brilliant blue eyes, looking directly at his chest, trying not to think about the man, in the flesh, finally being in front of her.

She opened her mouth but the words wouldn’t come. What could she tell him anyway? Time had passed. It was way too late.

And he was getting married? She covered her mouth, trying to smother the wave of nausea racking her body. No. He couldn’t be. Not after all she’d gone through, all the pain, the doubts and, ultimately, her sacrifice.

‘What are you doing here?’ he asked casually.

His deep voice washed over her like warm spring wind. ‘I work here.’ She swallowed, gripping the clipboard more tightly. ‘I’m co-ordinating your wedding.’

‘My wedding?’ He lifted his eyebrows and laughed.

The sound rattled through her like a freight train. She glanced at the folder in front of her, the words a blur. Had she said something funny?

She shook her head. She was an idiot! Wouldn’t she have noticed his name earlier if it were his wedding? ‘You’re not the groom,’ she said tentatively, her mind still trying to grapple with his presence.

‘Not a chance,’ he said, his voice deep and smooth.

Skye let out the breath she was holding, feeling her knees shake under her weight. She took a tentative step, grabbing the back of the nearest chair. She looked at him. ‘Then you are?’

‘The best man.’

Skye stared at him. How did he know he was the best man for her? She shifted the weight on her heels. How could he know that he was the only man who had pushed her buttons? The only man who she thought of when she went to bed at night, the man who invaded her dreams and haunted her memories.

He crossed his arms over his formidable chest. ‘I thought you worked in your family business?’

‘I do.’ She bit her bottom lip. ‘I am.’

His blue eyes probed hers. ‘You never said it was a wedding planning business.’

Skye swallowed hard. ‘You weren’t exactly looking favourably on the whole wedding scene.’ She remembered his views on marriage and commitment intimately. If he’d known she was involved in the business he probably would have run screaming the first moment he met her.

Nick shook his head, his brow creasing. ‘Isn’t that strange? I never noticed that you didn’t go into details about what you did.’

‘You were too busy to notice,’ she quipped. Her mind scrambled to make sense of meeting him again. He couldn’t know, could he? The quick and disturbing thought welled in her throat. She swallowed hard. ‘What are you doing here?’

His mouth quirked into a smile. ‘I’m the best man, remember?’

She remembered all right. Every nerve in her entire body remembered him, mourned him, yearned nightly for him, measured every man that came through her life against him. ‘Of course you are,’ she said vaguely.

Nick smiled at her, his eyes glinting with purpose.

She shook her head. This couldn’t be happening. She’d rehearsed it a million times. It wasn’t meant to be here, like this. In a restaurant, in a club, or in a hotel foyer on some exotic trip she’d never taken, not here—she wasn’t ready.

Skye dragged in a deep breath, trying to right her world again. ‘I never expected you to be involved in all this—’ she looked around at the suited men, at Nick and how well he filled out the tuxedo he wore ‘—how did you used to put it—wedding stuff?’

He shrugged. ‘Times change.’ And he let his gaze fall, skimming over her again, this time with a slow sensuality and an intimate thoroughness, as though he was remembering the magic they’d once shared.

Skye’s belly tightened. She stepped backward, her cheeks heating. ‘So, how are you?’

He smiled down at her. ‘Good, and you?’

‘Good.’ Curiosity threatened to engulf her. There was no way she could ask him personal questions, not when four years lay between them like a chasm.

He looked good in a tux, and that blue silk tie set off the brilliant colour of his eyes. ‘I hear you’re with a prestigious law firm now,’ she blurted. She bit her tongue. Dammit. Now he’d know she’d kept up with his career through the papers, the gossip columns and by whatever hearsay she could gather.

‘Yes, I am,’ he answered easily, his eyes narrowing. ‘And you? Did you get what you always wanted?’

She just stared at him. What she always wanted…

She’d wished, dreamed and prayed night after night, day after day, from the day she had left him for what she really wanted, and now, here he was.

‘O—kay.’ She spun away from the man who’d stolen her heart and turned her life upside down. ‘Is everyone happy with their outfits?’

There was a murmur of assent.

‘Skye—’ Nick’s voice was deep and close.

‘Right. Well, carry on then. I’m around if you have any questions,’ she said to the men in general, ignoring Nick. She glanced at her folder, the words still refusing to be legible. ‘Nice seeing you again, Nick…Mr Coburn.’

She forced herself to put one foot in front of the other.

‘How about we have coffee later? Catch up a bit?’ Nick was right behind her.

‘I am trying to work here, folks,’ Charlie whined, scuffling along the floor on his knees after Nick’s trousers.

‘No, I’m sorry. I can’t.’ Skye pushed through the doors, desperate to escape. The last thing she wanted to do was spend time with the man. She could hardly look at him for the wrenching ache in her chest, the sting behind her eyes and the torturous secret that stabbed her heart like a shard of glass.

He could never know.

Nick tore his gaze from the doorway.

He rolled his neck, massaging the muscles. It was only natural for him to react to her. She was even more beautiful than when they’d met four years ago. She was all woman now. And didn’t he know it.

Her rich curves made his hands itch and just the thought of her full breasts, hidden beneath her white blouse, shot bolts of desire through his body.

Memories of trailing kisses over her smooth olive skin clawed at him, her deep red lips fired his blood and her sweet voice…Cripes, how had he ever let her go?

‘Please sir, keep still.’

Nick stood motionless.

Her dark hair had grown. It was no longer a chic bob but long and sweeping, pulled back with wisps escaping and framing her gorgeous face.

Nick clenched his hands by his sides. He still had a thing for her!

Any wonder? Nick rubbed his jaw. She was the one that had got away.

At least she had the decency to look embarrassed about running into him. Cripes. After what she had done to him, it was amazing that she could look him in the face.

He hadn’t seen a ring on her finger. Maybe the bastard that had stolen her away from him hadn’t come up with the goods. Maybe he’d dumped her.

Nick smiled. That would be justice for all the months he’d tossed, sleepless, in his bed alone.

‘Kindly stand still, sir.’

Nick looked down at the thin man hemming his trousers. He would have preferred one of the girls. He looked over to Pete who was chatting up the young blonde hemmer, and across to Tony, who was struggling to win a smile from the redhead.

Nick looked at the door. He’d prefer Skye at his feet, begging forgiveness…

He had really thought they’d had something magical.

Four years…it seemed like yesterday. They’d been clicking on all fronts. She’d understood his commitment to his career, could talk with him, and make his body wild in the bedroom. She was all he had ever wanted in a woman.

For six months they’d been together—it had felt like no time at all, as if he’d been cheated—then she was gone.

He hadn’t realised she’d been seeing someone else. He should have guessed. He had sort of felt that she had been slipping away in those last weeks. The more time they’d spent together talking about what he wanted in life the more she had seemed to distance herself from him.

He had thought it had been just a mood, or a phase. He clenched his fists by his sides. It had been another man.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He never wanted to experience that sort of pain again.

He shrugged, trying to douse the fire deep in his body, trying to still his pounding heart and push the image of her wide, dark eyes from his mind. And the rest of her beautiful body.

He still had it bad. Cripes. Even after all these years…

He straightened tall and threw out his chest. He was older now, and a hell of a lot wiser. He knew what he wanted and what he didn’t. And he didn’t want to be haunted by Skye Andrews any more.

He was going to get that two-timing vixen out of his mind, body and heart, once and for all.

‘All finished, sir,’ the man at his feet stated dryly, getting to his feet and shooting him a far-from-pleased look. ‘Finally.’

‘Thank God.’ Nick strode to the changing room, tearing the tie from his neck and flicking open the buttons on the jacket and the waistcoat.

Because he wasn’t finished with Skye Andrews, not by a long shot.

The Best Man's Baby

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