Читать книгу A Company Of Owners - Daren Martin - Страница 21


Most companies are operating significantly below their capacity

due to a disengaged workforce.

If only a third of the workforce is engaged, either you have hired

all the wrong people (not likely) or the company culture is not

reinforcing engagement and producing an Owner mentality.

Either way, it leaves you incredibly handicapped to try to do all of

the work with only a third of your engine operating at full capacity.

Years ago, “Made in Japan” was synonymous with “Piece Of Crap”

“Made in Japan” now represents high quality products like Lexus,

Honda, Sony, etc. And it wasn’t because Japanese companies

swapped out their Japanese workers for foreigners who produced

better products. What changed was the work philosophy,

processes, systems, & company culture at some of their key

companies! Same workers, very different outcomes.


A Company Of Owners

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