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The year was 1860, and if you wanted to travel, it was by horse and buggy, railroad, or ship; there were no cars at that time. Eadweard Muybridge, a photographer who later gained fame as the father of motion pictures, was a passenger traveling by stagecoach. On a business trip, he had left San Francisco and was headed to Missouri on his way to Europe. En route there was a horrible accident. The driver of the stagecoach lost control, and as the coach went speeding into the ditch, Muybridge went flying out, headfirst into a tree. Needless to say, he took some much-needed time to recuperate. However, he emerged from his recovery a totally different man.

Prior to the accident he was a kindhearted, good-natured, mild-mannered gentleman, but afterward he was cold, distant, and considered to be somewhat eccentric. He also began dressing very oddly. Friends said that his behavior was weird and that he had lost all interest in social activities. Prior to the accident he was neat and clean and carried himself with dignity, but after, he found bathing to be of little importance. Muybridge had undergone a personality makeover, but even in this condition he excelled in photography and went on to make major contributions with his pioneering work.

Due to his revolutionary techniques, his popularity was increasing, and while being applauded in one area, he fell into disgrace in another. Muybridge, now married and the father of a little boy, became suspicious and convinced himself that his wife was having an affair and that this child was a product of this presumed relationship. Taking matters into his hands, he mounted his horse, rode into the town where the suspected gentleman worked, and—in full view of bystanders—pulled out his six-shooter and shot the man dead. His highly publicized trial ended in his acquittal: not guilty due to reason of insanity resulting from a carriage accident (Keltner, 2009; “Eadweard Muybridge,” n.d.).

What went wrong? What part of his brain caused such a dramatic shift in his personality? Where was the injury? It was not until recently that science has been able to pinpoint with precision structures within the brain which result in behavioral changes and to actually see the brain in action. In fact we have learned more about the brain in the last few decades than in all previous years combined, thanks to the advent of technology such as PET (positron emission tomography) scans, MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging), and now functional MRI scans.

The brain is an awe-inspiring mystery, and scientists feel that they have only touched the tip of the iceberg. Over the course of this book, we will go deep into the structures of the brain and explore its intricate workings. And we can’t forget the rest of the body. Brain and body are an inseparable team. We will look at the intimate workings of their relationship and see how they react upon each other.

Here are some of the topics this book will cover:

 We will look at the various functions of the brain, how this three-pound structure—which has the consistency of cottage cheese and tofu, and would shake like Jell-O if not for the hard skull—is able to perform infinite feats.

 We will look at neurotransmission and hormonal regulation, and we’ll see how poor lifestyle choices can short-circuit the brain and lead to chemical imbalances.

 Have you ever thought about your thoughts? Where do they come from? Well, we are going to fire up the old gray matter and take a look. You might be surprised to know that your thoughts are hanging out on what looks like a tree. We’ll reveal how toxic thoughts of bitterness, anger, resentment, and an unforgiving spirit can lead not only to psychological and emotional issues but to diseases such as coronary heart disease and some forms of cancer, as well as lay the foundation for many other diseases.

 Are you stressed? Well, join the masses. Today, more than ever, many of us are stressed out! Up to 90% of all visits to the doctor are stress related. We will see how stress impacts not only our emotional state, but also the health of the body. We will take a look behind the scenes and see the chemistry of stress.

 Are you one of the 121 million people worldwide suffering from depression? Research shows that depression is due to an imbalance in neurochemistry. Can the brain be brought back into balance? We will take a look.

 Addictions are at epidemic proportions, the newest being sexual and internet addictions. These are forms of emotional hijacking. Why are we driven to certain behaviors? We will look at the neurochemistry involved that reinforces not only these behaviors but many more.

 We all have a story to tell and I must tell you mine, how—from childhood, well up into my twenties—I suffered from many different diseases, including a bout with severe depression and a battle with obesity, and how I found healing. Is there a root cause for disease? We will take a look at what I discovered.

 Did you know that there is an all-out assault for your mind and that the mind is the site in which the greatest battle to ever take place begins? We will look at the weapons of warfare needed to succeed in this mental combat.

 Throughout this book we will look at spiritual applications which will bring the mind and the body into balance. “For in him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). He (the Creator God) is the vital connection that leads to complete healing—physical, mental, and spiritual.

Mind - Body - God Connection

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