Читать книгу Future Popes of Ireland - Darragh Martin, Darragh Martin - Страница 32

Blarney Stone (2007)


‘Did Aunty Mary move to Dublin?’ Rosie asked, shifting in the bed.

Peg stared at the ceiling: she was almost tired enough to drift into sleep.


Rosie didn’t need to ask ‘why?’ or ‘what happened?’; now that the door to the past had been prised open, out stories could creep, the magical stone obliging. Besides, even if the details were blurry – in her defence, she had only been four – she had a sense of who was to blame. Aunty Mary was a dangerous topic – they hadn’t mentioned her letter – but Rosie knew what she was doing.

‘Did you know about Aunty Mary then?’

The truth lived somewhere between yes and no. Hard to believe that Aunty Mary had been so important to Peg’s development – her fairy godmother! – yet at the time, Peg had never considered Aunty Mary’s life outside of her own. Peg made a noncommittal sound, something she hoped bore a resemblance to a yawn, not that that would be any use: Rosie showed no signs of ever needing sleep. She could stay up for hours when they were younger, demanding more and more stories from Peg, who obliged usually, even when there were slim chances of happy endings.


Future Popes of Ireland

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