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Most businesses are destined to fail. It’s a documented fact.

This is a book about how to ensure that your business isn’t one of them.

The “turnaround artist” is one of the most admired, feared and well-compensated individuals in the business world. That’s the person who can analyze a business, make the tough decisions and save the company… or take a thriving company and help it reach new heights.

Many businesses need a turnaround artist to keep them from the brink.

But what if you can’t afford to hire one of these individuals?

Or you don’t have time?

Better still, what if you could turn your own business around - and do it in just ten days?

That’s the premise of this book. In these pages, we will teach you how to perform a turnaround of your business - in just ten days - without interrupting your current responsibilities.

Start your turnaround process on a Friday night, work through the weekend, continue during the evenings of the following week, spend the next weekend completing your turnaround plan, and then you’ll put it into action on the following Monday. Over the course of the next week and a half, you will be investing approximately twenty hours on your business turnaround. This will be a concentrated time of study and investigation that will be personally, as well as professionally, invigorating.

Your business will thrive as never before. And you can take those same turnaround skills and apply them to other businesses… for a very handsome fee or even a piece of the action.

Who needs a 10 Day Turnaround?

Businesses on the edge of survival, of course. And if you’re in that category in today’s economy, you’re not alone. Even in strong economies, some businesses struggle due to stiff competition, shifts in the marketplace, or changes in governmental regulation.

But businesses on the brink of a new level of success also benefit from the 10 Day Turnaround. They get to play a bigger game and create bigger results for their stakeholders. Every business can use a tune-up—and some are ready to make that quantum leap towards a higher level.

Turnarounds save businesses. They also create the energy for successful businesses to reach new goals and dreams.

So whether you’re on the edge of disaster or on the cusp of massive new success, this book is for you… as long as you’re willing to invest two weekends and a week’s worth of evenings in your business’s future.

Every year, more and more companies go out of business.

Perhaps it’s the sheer number of businesses “in business” that makes that number increase. Maybe it’s the weak economy. Or could it be something else, like tougher and tougher competition? It just might be the speed of change that every person or business faces on a daily basis. It’s probably a combination of these factors!

Perhaps the business started off as a great idea or an entrepreneurial dream, and somewhere along the way the course shifted and what was intended never came to fruition or simply stagnated over time.

The reasons why businesses stall, wilt, wither, or simply don’t reach their potential aren’t as important as getting them moving again — back on the path of progress and restarted on the road towards growth and profitability. Not every business stands at the pole of an extreme, but a turnaround will serve to nourish enterprises along every grade of the scale.

That’s why you are here and why we are here - to turn around your business and get back to the course you’ve always intended to take.

As you read this book, you will be sharing in the wisdom the two of us have gained over our years in business. We have worked with business ventures of every kind, condition and category; the examples and methods we use will help remind that, no matter the desperation of your current status, you are not alone. If you are looking at creating a model to transform your business from simple success to stunning success—we’re here to help.

Get ready for the ten days that will change your business… forever.

Yours in Success

Spike and Darren

The 10 Day Turnaround

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