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It has been an honour and privilege to write this book. As with any major project, there are a number of very special people who contributed to making this book happen. So, we’d like to take this opportunity to say “THANK YOU”.

A special Thank You to the 9 Awesome Entrepreneurs/Leaders featured in this book. Your willingness to share your secrets is a priceless gift. It has been an honour and a tremendous privilege to work and learn from every one of you and we’re sure that thousands of people’s lives will be influenced by the stories and insights that you’ve shared.

We’d like to thank the many other mentors, models, guides, colleagues and friends who have taught us, supported us and inspired us along the way. Most are giants in their fields, many are geniuses in their own way, and all are gifts in our lives.

In business people like Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Tom Hopkins, Keith Cunningham, Stephen Covey, Brian Tracy, Matt and Amanda Clarkson, Daryl and Andrew Grant, Loral Langemeier, Marshall Thurber, Bret Thomson, Greg Cassar, Mike Rhodes, Richard and Veronica Tan, Bernardo Moya, Koichiro Shimizu, Tony Giannopoulos, Pat Mesiti, Rich Schefren, Brian Johnson, Stephen Pierce and Dr. Tom Hill have been important sources for our success.

In personal growth, people such as Dr. Richard Bandler, John and Kathleen LaValle, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, John Overdurf and Julie Silverthorn and Anthony de Mello helped light our path along the way.

In philosophy and spirituality, Dr. Wayne Dwyer, Sri Sai Kaleshwara Swami, The Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Carlos Castaneda, Marianne Williamson, Ram Dass, Ken Wilber and Miguel Ruiz have served as guides along the path of living and growing.

In health, wellness and relationships, Jackie Tallentyre, Dr. John Gray, Andrew Weil, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, Robert A. Johnson, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Leo Buscaglia have been important teachers, speakers and authors who have helped us grow.

Most significantly, we’d like to thank Colin and Carlee Frankel, Fletcher and Carole Searle, John Gearon, Michael Dean, Luke Raisbeck, Narelle and Jason Urbanowicz, Darren Tagg, Kevin Stephens, Jeni Stephens, Norm Herbert, Lisa and Shane Bell, Larry Lindt, Mel Kerr, Brian Gerhart, Fred Martin, Paul Dwyer, Manny Goldman, Brendon Bruchard, Debra Kezer, Maria Davis, Vanessa Pedzwater, and “Big Bill” McKee for their support, contribution, advice and counsel throughout our lives and careers.

Next, a huge thanks to our students and joint venture platinum partners for their ongoing support and trust in allowing us to guide them to future success.

A huge Thank You to our publisher, Global Publishing Group and to their awesome team; Jo Munro, Kelly Mehlert and Sonia Vasey. And to Joel Fulton and the team at Dennis Jones & Associates for your dedication and commitment to the book’s success.

A special Thank You to our parents and our beautiful children.

And, finally, we thank our beautiful wives, Jackie and Michele.

They’re a constant and tremendous source of insight, wisdom and support to us.

Millionaires & Billionaires Secrets Revealed

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