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The fear of public speaking is the number one fear of most people. I have now conquered that.

People are afraid of getting beaten, injured or of pain. I was beaten so much as a kid that I got used to it and didn't fear that. Actually when I got big enough so that my mother feared me and the beatings stopped, it was like something was missing.

People fear embarrassing themselves. I've done that so many times, I'm used to it now and intentionally do things that others would never consider doing.

People fear dying. People in my family generally don't live a long time. I figure that because of some of the crazy stunts I've pulled over my lifetime, I should've been dead or killed long ago.

I have a logical mind; at least that's the way my mind sees it. I see things as "shit happens". I can't control what someone else does, natural disasters or accidents. Dealing with things to the best of my abilities is all I can control. Whatever the consequences, "que sera sera". (For those of you who have never heard that phrase, it means "Whatever will be will be." It is in an old Doris Day song.)

I have self preservation instincts to some degree, but I also like challenges, both physical and mental.

My beatings and the way I was handled gave me a different kind of power that I have used frequently during my lifetime. The power to be beaten and not have it affect me. The power to not have fear. Now, the power of no fear is a dangerous one to have, but it has made my life much more interesting than if I were normal.

Prison Puzzle Pieces

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