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We got word that we were getting a new sergeant in the block. Word around the institution was that he was an asshole. I prefer to form my own opinions. He wasn’t very social and neither was I. That upsets some people when you do your job rather than chatting all day.

Before he came to work in A-East, an officer that I worked with in B-West figured he'd help both the sarge and me out. He told the sarge, “Don’t fuck with Basham. Just let him run and he’ll work his ass off for you. You tell him what you want and you can just sit back and watch it happen.”

My time with the sarge was good. We worked well together and got a lot accomplished. When the other sergeant wasn’t around, things went great. Offenders created fewer problems, because they knew we would take care of business. They knew we were watching and doing our jobs.

I found out that he was bucking the old boy network too. There were times that officers left him no option other than to write them up. The old boy network screwed with him and he wouldn’t back down. I know how that goes. It gave him a bad rap. If there were more officers like this guy in this place, it would be a lot calmer nicer place to work.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3

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