Читать книгу Like Life! Easiest way to live effectively - Dave Thompson - Страница 5

It’s a waste of time and blur strength


Pick that one thing: you can be a successful money – so you can buy yourself and friends and whores and samorealizatsii with all the regalia.

And for a modest fee you any psychologist will tell you that you are self-realized person.

Wanna – be successful in a relationship is through them you will gain money and friends and everything you want.

Want a commitment to health. Do something. And hit anyone who does not agree with you.

Can become anyone, in a word.

And through THIS, what you proaress to everything else EASILY.

Not so and the Reaper, and the reader, and the dude igrets – khuyatina propagana. Only with lists and graphics would be confused.

And even some sort of droch happen…

Don’t listen to nobody. Talk itself. Psychologists and psychopaths – are one. All the cure the psychiatrist.

Think with your head. And read the book on. So you can save yourself 10 years of not having filled the extra cones and not paying not a bit of nerves.

Like Life! Easiest way to live effectively

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