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The First Sunday of Advent

Jeremiah 33. 14–16: Ps. 25. 1–10: 1 Thessalonians 3. 9–13: Luke 21. 25–36

Come, Lord God, change us and we shall be changed.

Come, increase our awareness of your presence.

Come, strengthen our love for you.

Come, fill our hearts with holiness.

Come, awaken us to be ready and watchful for your coming.

Come, Lord God, change us and we shall be changed;

through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Holy and Mighty God, we long for you and your love.

Fill your Church with your grace and goodness,

that we may grow in holiness and in hospitality,

that we may reach out in mission and love,

that we may reveal your light and your glory.

Lord, make us active in service and joyful in praise.

Lord, show us your way

and teach us your paths.

We pray for the nations of the world and for righteous dealings.

May the resources of the earth be neither hoarded nor squandered, but used to the benefit of all and the relief of those who need.

Strengthen all who strive for justice and integrity in world trade;

may vulnerable peoples be freed from oppression and abuse.

May we all have compassion and concern for the poor.

Lord, show us your way

and teach us your paths.

Come, Lord, fill our homes with your light and love.

Make us sensitive in our dealings and gentle in our actions.

Keep us alert to the needs and hopes of others,

that our homes may reflect your presence and your glory.

Lord, show us your way

and teach us your paths.

God of freedom and peace, we remember before you all who are captives to sin, vice or addiction, all who are damaged by oppression, violence or abuse .....................

We pray also for friends and loved ones who are ill, especially .....................

Bless all who seek to rescue and restore those who are in need or distress.

Lord, show us your way

and teach us your paths.

We give thanks for all who have passed beyond trouble and darkness and are now at peace in your kingdom.

We rejoice in the fellowship of the saints and pray we may follow their way of holiness and love.

Lord, show us your way

and teach us your paths.


The Holy One comes to you in peace and love, that you may increase and abound in love.

The peace of the Lord be always with you

and also with you.


Put off the works of darkness, put on the armour of light.

Know that God comes to you in power and in peace.

Be steadfast in your hope that the Lord may find you ready at his coming;

and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always. Amen.

The Second Sunday of Advent

Baruch 5. 1–9 or Malachi 3. 1–4: Benedictus: Philippians 1. 3–11: Luke 3. 1–6

Holy God, we look for you, we long for you.

Let us see that you come among us;

make us aware of your presence

and grant us a glimpse of glory;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Good and gracious God, we give you thanks for all who have told us of your love and your presence among us.

We give thanks for John the Baptist preparing the way for our Saviour.

We give thanks for the Apostles and Evangelists.

Mighty God, guide and empower all preachers of the word and ministers of the sacraments.

Bless all who proclaim your love and glory through the arts, music, broadcasting and publishing, all who prepare hearts and minds for your coming.

Blessed Lord, hear us

and set your people free.

Lord of freedom and grace, we pray for all held prisoner by tyranny and oppression, all whose eyes are blind to your glory and deaf to your word.

We remember all who do not know or love you, all whose lives are darkened by fear.

Blessed Lord, hear us

and set your people free.

We give thanks for all who taught us the faith and led us to you, for all who have given us a glimpse of your glory.

We pray for teachers and Sunday school teachers, for families, friends and all who are dear to us.

We remember any who are having special difficulties or troubles at this time.

Blessed Lord, hear us

and set your people free.

Lord of love, we pray for all who are consumed with hatred,

all who do not know how to accept or receive forgiveness,

all who are not at peace with themselves or the world.

We remember all who are anxious and fearful at this time.

We pray for all who are weakened by illness or incapacity, especially .....................

Blessed Lord, hear us

and set your people free.

Lord of glory, you destroy the darkness of the shadow of death and open the kingdom of heaven to your loved ones.

We pray for the departed, that in your love they may rejoice in peace.

Blessed Lord, hear us

and set your people free.


Know in your life the love of God, the forgiveness of sins and the joy of salvation.

The peace of the Lord be always with you

and also with you.


The love and light of God scatter the darkness from before you and guide your feet into the way of peace; and the blessing ...

The Third Sunday of Advent

Zephaniah 3. 14–20: Isaiah 12. 2–6 (or Ps. 146. 5–10): Philippians 4. 4–7: Luke 3. 7–18

Good and gracious God, grant us a glimpse of your glory, that we may rejoice in your presence and abide in your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Loving Lord, help us to know that we dwell in you and you are in us.

It is you, Lord, that seek out the straying and the lost:

you desire to deliver all who are in trouble,

you set out to rescue all who are oppressed,

you come to us now and seek to bring us home.

We rejoice in your presence and your almighty power.

May your church share in your healing and saving power.

We pray for the church working in areas of violence and rejection,

for all Christians who are persecuted for their faith.

Lord, you are our deliverer.

You are our refuge and our strength.

We pray for areas of our world where people are devalued and discarded:

for all who are outcasts and all who suffer from ethnic violence and prejudice.

We pray that the rich and those in authority may bring relief and hope to the poor.

We pray for all who are involved in tax-collecting and in the use of our taxes,

for all who are in the armed forces, and for all who maintain peace and order.

Lord, you are our deliverer.

You are our refuge and our strength.

Lord, we rejoice that you are with us in our homes.

Make us sensitive in our dealings with each other,

attentive to the needs and desires of our loved ones.

We pray for all homes where there is fear and abuse.

Lord, you are our deliverer.

You are our refuge and our strength.

Mighty God, you are our strength.

We pray for all who are frail and fearful, all who are weary and weak, all who are in pain or suffering hurt, especially .....................

We remember all who are captives to evil and vice.

Lord, you are our deliverer.

You are our refuge and our strength.

We rejoice with all who have left the troubles of this world and now experience the glorious liberty of the children of God.

We pray for loved ones departed, especially .....................

Lord, you are our deliverer.

You are our refuge and our strength.


Let God’s presence and peace in Christ Jesus keep a watch over your heart and mind and free you from being anxious.

The peace of the Lord be always with you

and also with you.


Rejoice in the presence and power of God.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

Know that the Lord is at hand.

And the blessing ...

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Micah 5. 2–5a: Magnificat or Ps. 80. 1–7: Hebrews 10. 5–10: Luke 1. 39–45 [46–55]

Lord our Saviour, our hope is in you:

no one is beyond your love,

no one is beyond your saving power.

Give us grace to recognize you and welcome you

as you come to us;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Lord, open our eyes that we may behold your glory,

open our minds to know that you are with us,

open our hearts to the love that you give us.

We give thanks that in Christ you share in our humanity and open for us the gate of glory.

We pray for the church’s work among children, in nurseries, in schools and in church.

We pray for those who seek to proclaim the sacredness of all life.

Give your church the courage to proclaim that you come among us.

God of love, God of glory,

be known among us.

We pray for all who seek to support family life, all who care for homeless or unwanted children, all children taken into care.

We remember the street children of the world and all who are used as cheap labour.

Bless the work of the Children’s Society and the NSPCC.

God of love, God of glory,

be known among us.

We rejoice in the love of our homes.

We pray for all who have enriched our lives by their goodness, all who have accepted us and cared for us.

We pray for all who are separated from loved ones at this time, all who are lonely.

We remember all who will come together for Christmas as families and all who are alone.

God of love, God of glory,

be known among us.

We pray for all who are hungry for acceptance,

who are hungry for love,

all who long to be needed.

We remember all who are in hospital and loved ones who are anxious.

We pray especially for .....................

God of love, God of glory,

be known among us.

Lord God, you came to earth that in your power and love we might ascend into heaven, bless our friends and loved ones who are departed this life with the gift of life and love eternal.

God of love, God of glory,

be known among us.


Our Lord comes to us in power and in glory.

Our Lord seeks to abide with us always.

The peace of the Lord be always with you

and also with you.


The power and peace of the presence fill your life and your home.

The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing. And the blessing ...

Glimpses of Glory

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