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Thank you for reading this book! Do not hesitate to tell us what you thought about it: leprogresnetombepasduciel@protonmail.com

Thank you to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, for showing us that politics was a matter of conviction and that a benevolent determination could move mountains. Thank you also for placing in us the confidence of which we hope to be worthy every day.

Thanks to Alexis Kohler for showing us what total commitment in the service of the general interest means. Thank you also for listening patiently to our pleas, even at late hours of the day — absurdly late sometimes.

Thanks to Hanane and Eve, for their proofreading but also for their support, their presence — quite simply, their love.

Thank you to our parents, for (almost) everything.

Thanks to Sophie, our editor and (in spite of that) friend. Thanks to John, who saw it useful to have us translated — and to Andrew, who carried that exhausting task to the end. Thanks to all those who have read one or more of the many successive versions of this book, and whose benevolence has been equalled only by their rigour: Marcel, Thierry, Marie, Hubert, Timothée, Léonore, Luc, Martin, Julien, François S., François T., Simon, Rémi, Ariane, Antoine A., Laurent, Dominique, Sylvain, Shahin, Jean-Francois, Antoine F., Daniel, Quentin.

Thanks to those who ensured that the past decade spent fighting for the ideas contained in this book was, first and foremost, a story of friendship, especially Stanislas, Cédric, Benjamin, Emmanuel, Julien, Sibeth, Quentin, Stéphane, Ludovic, Jean-Marie, Sylvain, Adrien, Nathalie, Alexander, Clément, Philippe.

Thank you to all the campaigners who have already shown that these ideas are worthwhile only if they are implemented, in particular (but not only!) Jean, Didier, Fanny, Clara, Missak, Juliette, Olivier, Thomas, Victor, Vincent, Thibault, Joé, Julien, Valérie, Christian, Grégoire P., Houda, Pacôme, Bensih, Bruno, Audrey, Aurélie, Mathieu, Zineb, Pauline, Marion, Grégoire D., Arnaud, Fatima, Serge, Selen, Mathieu, Marine M., Étienne, Paul-Hugo, Raphaël, Aziz-François, Marielle, Pénélope, Sandra, Marine B., Etienne, Stéphane, Aigline, Mathilde, Tess, Julie, Maëlle, Alexis, Jean, Christophe, Grégoire A., Pierre, Renaud, Léo, Caterina, Guillaume, Déborah, Éléonore, Schoitchi, Caroline, Frédéric, Philippe. Thank you to all those who enabled this legacy to prosper, at the headquarters of La République en Marche! and in all the territories of France. Our apologies to those who will not find their names here — this would have required several dozen more pages!

The New Progressivism

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