Читать книгу How to Stop Dog Aggression: A Step-By-Step Guide to Handling Aggressive Dog Behavior Problem - David CDN Christopher - Страница 5



Worst-case scenario for dog owners is that your dog will harm another dog or harm a person. Even a normally calm dog can be aggressive if they feel afraid or threatened.

As a dog owner, you are responsible for all that your dog does, you will be responsible for taking care of the consequences of his actions if he causes harm.

Sometimes, if your dog is normally calm dog, the beginning signs of aggressiveness are ignored.

The owner might think it is just a fluke or that it will not happen again.

Any sign of aggressive behavior is a cause of concern and should be addressed immediately.

If you ignore the first sign of aggressive behavior, it can only continue to get worse, until either it is out of control, or somebody gets hurt.

Many pet owners who do have a dog that shows signs of aggression just think that by keeping the dog away from other people and pets that it is okay.

They feel that their dog will not turn that aggressive behavior towards them. The fact is that an aggressive dog can turn on its owner, just another reason to curb aggressive behavior before it becomes a problem.

If left unchecked, it could result in you being fearful of your own dog.

No dog owner should ever be fearful about his or her own pet and if the behavior is corrected early on, that stage will not happen.

For your sake, and for the sake of those around, start working to correct aggressive behavior when it manifests, do not wait until it has become a problem.

Nearly all aggression is due to an underlying cause and when you know the cause, you can treat the aggression.

If your dog is showing signs of aggression, you need to be a responsible owner and take steps right away.

Until you have corrected the aggressive behavior, even if it is just occasional behavior, you should keep your dog away from people and other pets just to be safe. You can never be too cautious when dealing with an aggressive dog.

If you are having just the beginnings of aggressive behavior being shown by your dog, consider training your dog in basic obedience commands.

A trained dog is a dog that is easier to control, and when a dog reacts to your commands, it means that they recognize you as their pack master and you have their respect.

A well-timed command can put an end to the beginning of aggressive behavior and a trained dog is a confident dog.

If your dog is aggressive out of insecurity, training is a great way to manage it.

Always work with your dog calmly. If you become loud or move suddenly towards your dog, your dog will consider that aggressive behavior and will react with even more aggression.

Your dog picks up on your signals, so if you are agitated, they will be agitated as well, always remain calm.

How to Stop Dog Aggression: A Step-By-Step Guide to Handling Aggressive Dog Behavior Problem

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