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I still look for him beneath the table


laying there, spent, when I tuck:

the little general who passed

like bright sails among us.

Dogs are little guardians, aren’t they,

signposts, doing their job,

telling you about selflessness again?

Of course they are only dogs,

but that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?

(“Here, friend, the answer’s by the biscuit.”)

We can use all the help we can get.

That’s why we bring them in

in the first place. And they do it all

so single-mindedly. “Yep, yep.

I can do that while I’m biting this.”

I suspect they are close to the angels:

everybody gets one of each.

And anyone that faithful gets the run

of the land, which is nice recompense,

our backyard, having been so small,

our walks, so few.

“Yes, yes, get off your ass. That’s right.

How else will we get where we’re going?”


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