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The term doppelganger is widely, although not universally known.

So, to those of you who know the term, I apologise for what is an unnecessary explanation. Please feel free to skip this page and go straight to the story.

To those who do not know what doppelganger means, let me explain.

Doppelgänger is a German word, consisting of two parts: Doppel, which means double and Ganger, which means walker or goer. The word refers to a look-alike or a double of a living person.

It is said that we all have a doppelganger. Somewhere out there, there is a perfect duplicate of all of us. Well, I have never met my doppelganger, nor has anyone I know. From time to time newspapers and magazines print photos of someone who closely resembles a well-known person, a sporting star, a politician or a movie star. It is done in jest and from what I’ve seen, the resemblance is illusory.

An internet search, however, does reveal dozens of photographs of so-called doppelgangers and I have to admit, in those photos the pairs do have an uncanny likeness, although none is a ‘perfect duplicate’.

So, that’s doppelganger. Now start reading.


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