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Spent most of the day on the roof. It was good in the sun but I fell asleep and had to jump down in the dark onto the table out the back. Man shifted the chair for me so I'd have plenty of room to jump down, but I get scared jumping down. Come on, Dougal! I could hear him saying.

I walked back and forward along the roof but it was the same distance down no matter where I was. Come on, Dougal, I told myself. You can do it! So I jumped into the dark and felt the table under my paws. I don't understand why I land with such a thump. Shadow seems to land softly, even though she's heavier than I am nowadays.

I snuggled up against Man's paw and he took me into the Food Room. Everyone else had already had dinner and I looked piteously at Man. His lips moved sideways like they do when they want to tell you they love you, and he lifted down a plate with food on it that he'd kept on the stove hidden from my sister. None of us walk on the Hot Place if we can help it ever since Shadow almost put her paw in a hot dish there. So it's the best place to hide stuff. I sat down to eat in comfort.

Mrowl? I heard my sister say behind me. I sighed and prepared to have her greedy little nose come between me and my dinner, but Man picked her up and cuddled her so I could finish my meal in peace. I left a bit for her, though.

When We Were Kittens

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