Читать книгу Samantha the Sleuth and Zack's Hard Lesson - David H. Rosen - Страница 10


The next day after school, Samantha had her usual two cookies with milk. She thought about her missing socks when she gulped down the last drop. The thought came to her when she caught a whiff of her smelly, mismatched socks. She had worn them for three straight days.

Samantha decided to go outside to play basketball. It had rained the night before, but the driveway was dry. She made the first basket. On her second try, the ball hit the rim, bounced away, and rolled into the flower bed by the back door. As she reached down to pick up the ball, Samantha discovered some tracks that she had never seen before. She wondered, “Are those tracks possibly related to my missing socks? Could this be another clue?”

Samantha the Sleuth and Zack's Hard Lesson

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