Читать книгу Accompanying those with Same-sex Attractions - David Prosen - Страница 8


Author’s Preface

I am a Catholic man who experiences same-sex attractions.

I have found tremendous freedom and peace in embracing the Church’s teachings about homosexuality, after many years of fighting the truth. Knowing how much joy life in the truth has brought me, I am troubled when I see shepherds and leaders in the Church promote ideas that contradict Church teaching and condone sin. In an effort to be kind, too many in the Church are embracing cultural thought as fact without proof, presenting the Church’s teachings as “mean,” and advocating for her to change.

When our shepherds don’t speak with clarity, those of us with same-sex attractions who strive to live according to the Church’s teachings feel letdown. Thank goodness, these shepherds are the minority. Many others help tremendously, as I have experienced firsthand. They have helped me grow in my relationship with Christ, supported me, encouraged me, and have been Christ to me. These amazing and inspiring shepherds, and others within the Church, provide clarity, truth, hope, and love in a time of chaos, where love is too often equated with simply being “nice.”

Those of us who experience same-sex attractions need much more than to be treated nicely. We need to be loved authentically, with truth, and given hope in Christ. I wrote this booklet for priests, bishops, lay leaders, and members of the Church who want an easy-to-reference guide for accompanying and loving their brothers and sisters who bear this particular cross. This booklet is designed to be read easily, and it’s packed with concrete ways to help Catholics who experience same-sex attractions, yet seek to embrace the Church’s beautiful teachings.

David Prosen

October 2018

Accompanying those with Same-sex Attractions

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