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I have worked to understand the issues covered in this book over the years at the University of California, Irvine. I have had the good fortune to teach a graduate course on social movements, often with Dave Snow, who always helped me figure out when I was wrong in initial guesses – which was often. I also often taught an undergraduate course on protest politics, where I learned a lot from working with Kelsy Kretschmer, Erin Evans, and Megan Brooker, all creative and committed teachers. I am also very grateful for the good research assistance offered by Katelyn Malae.

I learned a great deal from collaborators on various research projects over the years, including Eitan Alimi, Vince Boudreau, Kaylin Bourdon, Steve Boutcher, Megan Brooker, Catherine Corrigall-Brown, Kris Coulter, Erin Evans, Kelsy Kretschmer, Eulalie Laschever, Lisa Leitz, Lindsey Lupo, Alex Maresca, Deb Minkoff, Nhu-Ngoc T. Ong, Christine Petit, Amanda Pullum, Ellen Reese, Daisy Verduzco Reyes, Rottem Sagi, Suzanne Staggenborg, Sid Tarrow, Nella van Dyke, and Nancy Whittier.

And I’m particularly grateful to my family, Margaret Coutts, Zena Meyer, and Jean Meyer, who continue to offer constant challenges wrapped in encouragement.

How Social Movements (Sometimes) Matter

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