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Getting to know chickens Are they easily recognized?


Identifying a basic chicken is easy as they are widely known and publicized, but there are many different breeds (see pages 10–22), as well as smaller forms known as bantams (see pages 23–27). The majority of chickens you will see are hens (females) and it is these that produce the eggs that are widely sold and eaten each year throughout the world. The male chicken is a cock or rooster (known as a cockerel until it is 12 months old).


Hen chickens are usually smaller and weigh less than the male counterpart of their breed. In the breeds section of this book (pages 10–27), the weights of both hens and cocks are indicated. Additionally, a cock bird will have more flamboyant tail feathers and a larger and more colourful and distinctive comb on the top of his head. He also tends to strut and dominate the hens. It is the cock bird that makes the well-known ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’ noise that many people find disturbing, especially in urban areas.

The decision about whether it is a good idea to have a cock bird in with your hens is discussed on pages 50–51, and this depends on whether you just want to produce eggs or to breed from your chickens – or both. Most chicken enthusiasts, however, just keep hens.

Feather markings

Breeds are initially distinguished by their colours, shapes and sizes. A major part of this is their often spectacularly coloured feathers. Some breeds have just a single colour, while others have complicated patterning.

What is a broiler?

A term that originated in North America and is used to described a young bird, of either sex and under the age of eight weeks, specifically raised for its meat. The meat at that age is tender, with soft and pliable skin.

Psychology of a chicken

Chickens are inquisitive, intelligent and friendly and will continually keep you amused. Invariably they will come over and check what you are doing – so be careful you do not step on them. Bantam breeds are also reputed to be smarter than chickens, and they are certainly faster movers.

The Henkeeping Specialist

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