Читать книгу By George - Hilarious Tales from England's Most Fanatical Football Supporters - David Stanfield - Страница 5



Why write this book? Why tell this story? Well, this is my story and one that needs to be told. Ask any football fan and they will tell you endless stories of their team. They can tell you about away trips to Carlisle on a cold December Tuesday night, or an end of season game on the beach in Brighton, but my story isn’t about any club team, it’s about England. When you follow England or ask anyone who has, you’ll know that the things that happen, camaraderie and togetherness can’t be beat.

I’ve read or browsed through loads of different football autobiographies and hooligan books, but I’ve never read an in-depth story about England fans doing what they do best: following England over land and sea. So after two World Cups and endless home and away trips, it’s time for me and my friends to tell our story.

My name’s Stan, AKA George the First. You’ll have seen me on the telly with my crusader mates and probably thought ‘what a load of idiots in fancy dress’, but let me tell you, you can’t even begin to imagine what goes on – on and off camera – when those suits go on.

By George - Hilarious Tales from England's Most Fanatical Football Supporters

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