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Title Page





It was in the twenty-fifth century when the hordes of…

Part One: Lake Randera

Chapter 1

It was well after midnight, and a dense grey fog…

Chapter 2

The fog was even thicker when they gathered in the…

Chapter 3

Sephrenia was tending a large, ugly-looking bruise on Berit’s upper…

Chapter 4

The castle of Baron Alstrom was situated on a rocky…

Chapter 5

The booming crash of boulders slamming against the walls of…

Chapter 6

‘We’ll need to go to the highest point in your…

Chapter 7

The toll bridge was narrow and in some disrepair. A…

Chapter 8

The ancient battlefield at Lake Randera in north central Lamorkand…

Chapter 9

Ulath walked over to where Tynian sat on the wet…

Part Two: Ghasek

Chapter 10

The rain was slackening, and a fitful breeze was coming…

Chapter 11

They slept late the following morning. Sparhawk awoke before daybreak,…

Chapter 12

Their mood was very bleak the following morning as they…

Chapter 13

Because the road they proposed to follow was reputed to…

Chapter 14

The corridor into which the surly gate-guard led them was…

Chapter 15

‘How did she get out of that tower?’ Sparhawk asked…

Chapter 16

They removed their armour and put on the plain workmen’s…

Chapter 17

‘I am eternally in your debt, my friends,’ Ghasek said…

Part Three: The Troll Cave

Chapter 18

‘Was that really Azash?’ Kalten asked in awe.

Chapter 19

Sparhawk sat in the room he shared with Kalten, poring…

Chapter 20

They dragged the husk of the Seeker off the road…

Chapter 21

Promptly at noon, King Soros of Pelosia called a halt.

Chapter 22

It seemed that it took them two more weeks to…

Chapter 23

It was that same peculiarly drowsy melody Flute had played…

Chapter 24

They rode out at first light, circled through the forest…

Chapter 25

The cave had the musty smell of long-damp earth and…

About the Author

Author's Note

Other Books by David Eddings

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The Ruby Knight

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