Читать книгу Renewable Energy - David Elliott - Страница 7



BECCSbioenergy with carbon capture and storageBECCUbioenergy with carbon capture and utilizationCCScarbon capture and storageCCUcarbon capture and utilizationCHPcombined heat and powerCO2carbon dioxideCSPconcentrated solar powerDACSdirect air capture and storageEROEIenergy return on energy investedGDPgross domestic productIEAInternational Energy AgencyIRENAInternational Renewable Energy AgencyLNGliquid natural gasLUT/EWGLappeenranta University of Technology/Energy Watch GroupNETnegative emissions technologyNGOnon-governmental organizationP2Gpower-to-gasPVphotovoltaic solar powerREN21Renewable Energy Network for the 21st CenturyWECWorld Energy Council

Renewable Energy

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