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Friday, 5 June 2009 – 9.45


‘You’re kind of early, Alex.’

Alex Sedaka spun round to see a fifty-eight-year-old black man standing there with a beaming smile on his face. Elias Claymore was overdressed for SoCal at this time of year. But Alex knew that he was trying to avoid being recognized. Claymore didn’t usually like to draw so much attention to himself because then he’d find himself surrounded by autograph seekers.

‘I was at the front of the plane,’ said Alex, reciprocating the smile. ‘First one off.’

‘How are you doing, old buddy?’ asked Claymore, rejecting Alex’s outstretched hand in favor of a warm, brotherly embrace.

Alex returned the greeting and then followed as Claymore led the way.

‘What’s happening with the show?’ asked Alex as they walked towards one of the exits.

‘The network renewed the syndication deal.’

Elias Claymore was the next big thing in talk show hosts, after his California-based show had gone national last year. He was tipped by some to become the next Montel Williams. But others criticized this appellation in view of Claymore’s less than honorable past.

‘How’s the love life?’ Typical Elias, filling the silence with his cheeky humor.

‘You know I’m married to my work,’ said Alex with a twinkle in his eye. ‘That’s why I haven’t even got time to watch your show.’

‘Oh really? That’s not what I heard.’

‘What did you hear?’

‘Oh, a little bird told me something about you being in a relationship with a certain TV reporter.’

‘You shouldn’t believe everything you hear on the little bird grapevine.’

‘Then how come we’re meeting for breakfast not lunch?’

‘I thought you were shooting the show after lunch.’

‘You could come and watch that too.’

‘I’ll have to take a rain check. I’m seeing a…’ Alex’s smile was that of the proverbial angel caught out.

Elias smiled back, ‘So the little bird was right after all.’

‘It’s early days yet. Anyway, these long-distance relationships don’t usually work out. She’s down here in SoCal and I’m up by the Bay.’

‘And you ain’t over Melody yet.’

Alex remained silent. They had been friends ever since Alex had represented Claymore, negotiating a plea bargain over 20 years ago. And they had learned to trust and respect one another. But they had also learned to read one another.

‘Wait a minute,’ said Alex. ‘This isn’t the way to the parking lot.’ Alex was quite familiar with LAX and he had noticed that they were heading towards the curbside on the lower level.

‘No parking lot today, bro. We’re going by taxi.’

‘Taxi? Isn’t that carrying this incognito business a bit too far?’

‘My car was stolen.’

‘Stolen? When? How?’

‘Two days ago.’

‘Doesn’t your insurance provide a rental one in the meantime?’

‘They do when I have time to get onto them. So far I haven’t even had time to report it to the cops.’

‘When you say stolen, you mean like carjacked? At gunpoint?’

‘Heck no! If they’d given me half a chance I’d’ve nailed the bastards. I got out to buy a paper.’

‘I thought your Merc had digital ignition control? Isn’t that supposed to be hotwire-proof?’

‘Not if you leave the keys inside.’

Alex looked at him, wide eyed. ‘You’re kidding!’

Claymore held up his hands sheepishly. ‘I plead guilty to stupidity, Your Honor.’

They both laughed and carried on their friendly banter oblivious to the storm that was brewing in the background.

No Way Out

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