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Example 3.19 Protocol PRESSURE (2000): Pressure‐relieving support surfaces: a randomised evaluation



8.1 Registration and randomisation

8.2 Post randomisation assessments

8.2.1 Immediate

8.2.2 Daily

8.2.3 Twice weekly up to 30 days and then weekly up to 60 days

The research nurse or designated ward nurse will record the following details twice weekly up to 30 days and then weekly up to 60 days or trial completion/withdrawal:

 Skin assessment (sacrum, buttocks, heels and hips) using the skin classification scale.

 Mobility/activity/friction and shear/moisture/nutrition/sensory perception scores using Braden scale.

 Mattress checklist including: manufacturer, model, model number, type of mattress and confirmation that the mattress is alternating and working correctly. If the mattress has been changed by ward staff the reason for the change will be documented.

 Seating provision including model of chair or cushion

 Confirm continued eligibility

8.2.4 Weekly up to 60 days

8.2.5 Patients with pressure sores

8.2.6 At trial completion/and or discharge

Randomised Clinical Trials

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