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Dear Reader,

Here’s me at a recent Perfectionists Anonymous meeting: Hi, I’m Dawn, and I’m a perfectionist….No, wait, that’s not quite it. I’m overly goal oriented…? No. Status quo challenged…? Nope. Capable of ironing my lingerie? Close…

You get the idea. Been there, done that yourself? I hope so. Like Claire, I’ve made a few wrong turns in my life (and that’s just finding the exit to my doctor’s office) and I’ve learned to shrug and move on—or out, as the case may be. (Did you know a gynecologist’s office can have seventeen different doors…some of which should definitely lock?)

Now, where was I? Oh, yes, perfection. I say, fugedaboutit. I just do the best I can to tell the stories of the characters who come to me in the night (many of them lost).

You know what helps a lot? Friends. My friends tell the best stories about me. Don’t even think about asking them to share. I give reeeally expensive presents, so they’d never squeal.

Enjoy Claire’s story and watch for my next book at www.dawnatkins.com!

Love and laughs forever,

Dawn Atkins

P.S. Please write to me—daphnedawn@cox.net!

A Perfect Life?

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