Читать книгу The Full Story - Dawn Stewardson - Страница 2

“There’s a hit man trying to kill Billy Brent.”


There was a short silence before Mickey continued speaking into her cell phone. “It’ll be the mother of all stories and we’ll have an exclusive. We’ll scoop the Chronicle and the Examiner. Hell, we’ll scoop the New York Times.”

She lapsed into silence, obviously listening to whatever her boss was saying. Dan felt his blood pressure rising. He wished he could hear both sides of the conversation.

“I know I’m not the best candidate.” She was speaking again. “But the critical thing is I’m up here with Dan O’Neill, and I’m the only person he’s willing to take along.”

Willing to take along? That was hardly the way he’d put it. There was another silence, and Dan couldn’t keep himself from whispering, “Is he going for it?”

She smiled at him. “I’m on hold. He’s running it past the editor in chief.”

Dan held his breath. Surely an editor in chief would recognize the insanity of this.

And then Mickey said, “That’s great. Tell Mr. Edwards I’ll come through. Neither of you will be disappointed.”

Dammit. Dan should have realized how persuasive she could be. After all, she’d convinced him to go along with this ridiculous scheme.

The Full Story

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