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Spirit I have come in to say just a few words, for I have been helped out of darkness, and have become a helper in the Band of Mercy.

Doctor Who are you, friend?

Sp. I am one of the helpers here. I come around sometimes, and I came tonight to say a few words to you. I was once in a very dark condition, but now I am one of your Band.

I thought you might like to know. If it had not been for you, I would probably still be in the dark. Many years have passed. I have quite an understanding of life now, through you, and through this little circle of the Band of Mercy. It was not here, it was in Chicago that I was helped.

I am very much pleased to be here with you tonight. I should like to give you my name, but I seem to have forgotten it, because I have not heard it for so long. It will come to me, and then I will give it.

Do you remember an old gentleman you used to know - Mr. Eckholm? He was not so very old either. He was a very dear friend of mine, and through him I came to see you. Dr. At some meeting in Chicago?

Sp. Yes. I had a drug store in Chicago. My name is Hesselroth! I could not think of my name for a moment. I am one of your helpers here. Mr. Eckholm is with me, and he also does all he can. He is very happy to help with your work here. He was heart and soul with it during his earth life. I also feel that I have to do all I can to help, because if you had not helped me, I should have been in that drug store yet, selling medicine.

For a whole year after I passed out, I attended to the business as I did when on earth, only I did not feel that I was sick any more. I took sick in the store, and was sent to the hospital, and I passed out in the hospital. They took my body to the undertakers, not to my home.

You know, it says in the Bible: “Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” When I woke up from the sleep of death, I thought of my store, and there I found myself. I saw that everything was going on all right, but it seemed so strange that I could not talk to any of my customers. I thought that during my sickness I had lost my faculty of speech, so I did not think much about it.

I attended to business, and I impressed my clerk to do things I wanted done. I was running the store and the clerk was managing it for me. I did not realize that I was dead until I came to this gentleman (Dr. W.) in his little circle.

When burglars got into my home I thought of the revolver that I always kept in a drawer. I went there, and tried and tried to get it, but my hand went through everything. Then I thought there must be something the matter with me.

I commenced to see things. I saw my spirit father and mother. Then I thought I must be a little out of my head. So I thought I had better go up to see my friend, Eckholm. I always thought he was just a little off, because he believed in Spiritualism. I wanted to see Eckholm to ask him if ghosts could come back - and there I was a ghost myself!

Then I came to this circle and I found I could talk, and after a while the door opened, opened to that beautiful land beyond.

I wish you could see the reception I had. My relatives and friends all opened their arms to me, and said: “Welcome to our home in spirit! Welcome to that everlasting life! Welcome to an understanding of God!”

Such a reception cannot be described until you see it for yourselves and are with us. That is happiness; it is “Heaven.”

I will not take any more of your time, but I am glad that I could come and talk tonight. It was about fifteen years ago that I first came here.

Eckholm says he feels proud of this work, and he sends love to all of you here.

Now, Good Night!

Pathos and tragedy are often the grim accompaniment of the sufferings of earthbound spirits. The spirit of the following narrative was taken from a patient who was subject to doleful spells of crying and afflicted with intense head pains, all of which ceased after the spirit was removed.

Thirty Years Among

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