Читать книгу Organic Wisdom: 123 Insights/Rules/Laws/Ways that Define How Life Works - Dean G Allen PhD - Страница 3



LIFE IS A GAME about (1) REALITY (chapter numbers/titles sequence the game). We lose when (2) CONFUSION creates our (3) PROBLEMS by how we (4) FUNCTION and (5) PROCESS our life. We win (6) POINTS when we perform our (7) POLARITY dance (in the moment) with (8) HOMEOSTASIS & (9) CONSCIOUSNESS by playing LIFE’S ENERGY GAME the Way it WORKS, which creates real (10) SOLUTIONS!

So LIFE is a GAME of learning to EXPRESS your 23 personal TOOLS (clearly & quickly) in alignment with the RULES or ‘The Tao’ or Laws of ENERGY that defines Reality!

There are 2 kinds of Laws: descriptive Laws and prescriptive laws. Gods Laws describe the Way energy IS; and man's laws prescribe the way man THINKS them to be!

The Ways of the Spirit are the Ways of the Laws of LIGHT, which are designed to work perfectly EXCEPT when pulled off course by the magnetic drag (of trauma memory) on Spirit Life-force energy flow.

This electrical drag from trauma memory and fear creates the darkness of confusion. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (John 1:5).

So, "darkness" can NOT comprehend the Ways of "the Light", confirming Einstein's famous quote from his experiences with the science of physics, where he learned that: "No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it."

The primary human problem is the darkness of CONFUSION about energetic Reality! This defiles the clear view of order (Laws & Ways) needed to make clear decisions & actions aligned with the force of the LAWS, so the force is with us (personal power), rather than against us (disempowered)!

"And the Word (order) was made flesh" (John 1:14) meaning our ISSUES (order) are “made flesh” in our TISSUES from being ALIGNED with the "ORDER" we follow!

1000's of clients have taught me that when divine ORDER (Law) is distorted by CONFUSION long enough ...confusion becomes "flesh" by manifesting ISSUES into TISSUES as DISEASE, DISORDER, DYSFUNCTION & DEGENERATION.

The 'dragon' is defined as the electrical 'drag' on Spirit Life-force energy flow from the past trauma memory being reactivated.

Notice how the 'D words': disease, degeneration, dysfunction, disorder, death and dying; are all the effects of DRAG that show up as SYMPTOMS.

These messages - IF NOT HEARD & HEEDED TO will IN FACT create degeneration, death and dying!

"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23) is an enlightened quote when considered energetically. The word 'SIN' is an archery term that means 'OFF THE MARK' or 'against the Ways of Spirit'.

Personally, I represent NO religious position except those aligned with Reality as observed by science. This Reality based on science has been confirmed by my observations of thousands of clients who have followed the Laws of Reality ...or NOT.

I've personally seen how following 'dragon solutions' (that are 'not real' solutions) - predictably manifest as specific physical, emotional, and mental disorders, disease and degeneration!

Being in charge of our LIFE (our body, businesses & relationships) IS ONLY possible by clearly SEEING & UNDERSTANDING who we are and how we function energetically.

We then must INTEGRATE our 23 energies or powers of PERCEPTION, RECEPTION & CONCEPTION into clear, quick and appropriate processing that EXPRESSES the energies of our life.

HOW WE PLAY OUR GAME OF LIFE is either with clarity for personal power OR with confusion to learn lessons from the penalties of such. When seen and followed, these powers or lessons do enlighten our pathway with clear, self-evident TRUTHS that solve ALL of our challenges.

We function as ENERGY SYSTEMS operating in a Universal field of energy defined by the Laws and Ways of energy (Tao). This is HOW DAILY LIFE WORKS for everything - because EVERYTHING IS ENERGY!

Enlightening our pathway with clear, conceptual understandings aligned with Reality is the GAME of LIFE! This is the game we are all forced to play every day of our life!

Our ABILITY to play this ENERGY GAME determines EVERYTHING in our LIFE: (our health, body, business and relationships). This is true EVEN IF we don't even know there IS a game ...or HOW that game is played or designed to work.

Our POWER in LIFE comes from the spontaneous and harmonious performance of ACTIONS that ALIGN with our 23 organ/gland Spirit functions.

The RULES to this game are defined by the Laws of Energy, and when we align with those Laws, the 'force' of those Laws is with you (like how a sky diver uses gravity)!

CLARITY (consciousness) is a powerful tool! It allows us to consciously ALIGN our DECISIONS & ACTIONS with the FORCE of the Laws of energy, which is what gives us personal power!

When we have conscious alignment with Reality, so we clearly perceive (SEE & FEEL: input) and perform (SAY & DO: output) quickly in ALIGNMENT with Reality. We THEN can make clearer decisions quicker - which creates more POINTS and fewer penalties!

Decisions and actions that misalign with the Laws/Ways of energy ...degenerate us over time.

INSIGHTS into the Game of Life LIGHT a conscious pathway to clearly see 'The Way' Reality works. When our decisions and actions are aligned with these Laws/Ways of energy - the force of these energies regenerates us!

Assimilating CONSCIOUSNESS into our LIFE is simple, but often not easy!

However, over time - it reduces and eliminates conflicts, confusions and problems and replaces them with ABILITY to process 'whatever happens' in life more clearly, quickly and appropriately into effective, efficient and productive SOLUTIONS!

PROCESSING our LIFE clearer and quicker is what allows us to be more effective, efficient and productive at manifesting ANYTHING!

Manifesting our divine intent is what fulfills our lives. This fulfillment is our Spirit's highest goal!

WELLNESS is living with sufficient conscious connection to our 23 personal powers that we can PERCEIVE & EXPRESS each of them clearly, quickly and appropriately.

- Dean G. Allen, PhD

Click LINK below to hear the AUDIO Radio Show with Dr Allen and Coach Steve that introduces how ORGANIC WISDOM relates to Dr Allen's 23 years of clinical research.


Organic Wisdom: 123 Insights/Rules/Laws/Ways that Define How Life Works

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