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Joshua lifted away from me abruptly and our eyes met. Carefully he planted both hands on either side of my head and studied me. After a few moments of utter silence he took a deep breath. “And what sort of pleasure and pain do you enjoy, love?”

“I’m a sexual submissive; not a slave or a pet.” I bit down on my lip and closed my eyes; just saying the words relaxed something deep inside me. “It’s been a long time since I’ve admitted that to anyone.”

“You can trust me.”

Yes. I knew that I could. “I enjoy pain to a degree. I’m not into humiliation, but bondage can be stimulating.”

“And me without my toys.” He used the tip of his finger to stroke my collarbone. “How long has it been since you’ve had a lover who catered to all of your needs?”

It had been years but was I prepared to admit that? I cleared my throat. “I was dating a man earlier in the year.”

“That’s not what I asked.” Joshua chuckled when I looked away. “Strip.”

I hesitated and bit down on my bottom lip. “I don’t think…”

“Ready to use your safe word already? Come now, love, I thought you were up for this kind of play.” He leaned in close to me, his mouth grazing mine in a gentle brushing of lips.

Joshua Keller was dangerous and so out of my league. I’d fantasized about the man a few times, but the sex had never been the kind he was offering me now. Honestly, my fantasy life could have been a lot more interesting if I’d known he had a freaky side.


His tone left no room for discussion or protest unless I wanted to use my safe word to back out of the situation. I was honest enough with myself to know that I wasn’t going to deny myself the pleasure of him. Even if tomorrow I regretted it, at least I would have something hot and dirty to regret.

I jerked my T-shirt over my head and tossed it aside. His eyes dropped from my face to my breasts as he stepped back from me and gave me room to continue. I jerked off my socks, shorts, and panties and stood before him naked. My nipples tightened further at the exposure and the attention. I knew I had a good body; I took care of myself. Working with professional athletes could be hell on a woman’s self-esteem and earning their respect took a lot of work. Being physically and mentally fit put me on top of my game and theirs.

He cleared his throat. “Bedroom?”

“You look nervous.” I lifted one eyebrow. “My body isn’t what you expected?”

“Christ, woman, you know you look like a walking wet dream.” Joshua pulled me abruptly forward and rested his forehead on mine as his hands slid down my bare back. “I value your presence in my life, Tara. I don’t want to ruin it. I spent the last year drowning myself in women to avoid making a move on you.”

“Usually by the time I get naked for a man we’re past this indecision thing.”

“Yeah.” One hand slid over my rib cage and upward to cup my breast. His thumb brushed over the nipple and I shuddered in his arms. “Promise me you won’t push me out of your life.”

It was a hefty promise to make and I swallowed hard as I considered it. I never gave my word lightly. Could I handle having him around when he got tired of me? “Let’s promise not to lie or mislead each other.”


His mouth sank into mine, his tongue thrusting between my lips with skill and care. Hands that had been gentle, exploring, went firm and demanding as he pushed me back against the wall. The change was stunning: gone was the soft, seductive man that had maneuvered me out of my clothes and in his place was a hard, clearly dominant man that had my body nearly vibrating at the possibilities.

Joshua lifted his head; his eyes were darker and intent on my face. “Let’s go play, love.”

I slipped onto the bed and assumed the position he’d ordered shortly after I showed him my toy drawer. Never one to collect a wide variety of toys or equipment, I had a few vibrators, a leather flogger, and several lengths of cotton rope.

“We’ll have to expand on your collection, love.”

I kept my face pressed against the pillow, my eyelids tightly shut as he trailed the leather tresses of the flogger down the middle of my back and over my ass.

“You are a beautiful puzzle, woman.” The bed dipped under his weight and I sucked in a breath when he slid astride my thighs. His cock rubbed briefly between the cheeks of my ass before sliding right between my legs. “So strong and confident yet obviously aching to be dominated. I am honored that you’ve put your pleasure in my hands.”

He moved forward and the head of his cock bumped my clit. A shudder ran the length of my back and I fought the urge to thrust back against him. “Oh, God.”

“No, don’t move.” He ran his hands over my arms. “I normally have a much more formal discussion with a potential partner before we get to this stage.” He brushed my hair over away from my neck and placed a soft kiss there. “Yet the mystery of you is exciting. Your little collection of toys offers a few tantalizing glimpses into your private world.”

He lifted up and his hand fell abruptly and hard on my ass. I hissed at the sharp sting of it and lifted my hips up off the bed in a demand for more. A mistake, I knew, but I figured he might let me get away with it. I was wrong. He pushed me back onto the bed with one hand on the small of my back and delivered another blow. The smack of his skin against mine and the heat spreading from my ass to the rest of my body had me straining against his hold with no regard to the sort of punishment he might dish out.

Suddenly he was gone, and I groaned at the loss of physical contact.

“On your knees, face the headboard.” I complied and swallowed hard when he wrapped a piece of rope around my wrists, binding them together tightly. Then he secured me to the wrought-iron headboard of my own bed. “Do not move. Do not come until you’re told. Your body belongs to me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

Joshua slid up behind me and pressed his cock, hard and wet at the tip, against my ass. One hand snaked around and pressed against my stomach to pull me flush against him. “A year is little time to forget such basic things as obedience. Do you have any formal training?”

I could have lied and said no, but I’d already promised him honesty. “Yes, years ago in college. My roommate was Dom. She introduced me to the lifestyle.”

He cupped my breasts with both hands and twisted my nipples between his fingers. “Did she fuck you?”

“No, but she could make me come.” I let my head fall back against his shoulder and bit back a moan as he tightened his grip on my nipples. Pain shot from the tips of my breasts and slid right into my pussy with all the finesse of a fist. It was delicious and I wanted more, desperately.

“So naughty, love. Is she the only woman who has ever topped you?”

“Yes.” I closed my eyes, my body tight with anticipation. “She liked the cane.”

“And did you?”

“In her hands, yes. I’ve never let anyone else use one…”

“I understand,” Joshua murmured. “Perhaps one day you’ll trust me enough.”

His lips brushed my shoulder and then he nipped my skin with his teeth. I loved the sharp pleasure of a well-placed bite, and when he did it again I arched in his arms despite myself. With a sigh he lifted his head and his fingers tightened on my nipples briefly before releasing them. Blood rushed back into my distended flesh immediately and I hissed between clenched teeth as the pleasure of it slowly ebbed away leaving me twisted with the want for more.

He moved away from me and I hung my head, my body tensed with anticipation. “You want this too much for it to be a punishment.”

I almost laughed because he was so right.

Joshua snapped the flogger in the air above my back and I sagged against the headboard in disappointment. He chuckled softly. “I should deny you the bite of your favorite toy. I should bury my cock in that pretty pussy of yours and ride you like a whore until you have no choice but to come. Then leave you aching for this….”

I gasped and jerked against the rope that bound me at the first stinging lash. Pleasure and pain ripped through my body like lightning, leaving no cell untouched. The effects of the blow started to fade just as he struck again. It ebbed and flowed over me in an endless wave of hot sticky pain that turned to pleasure in a heart-pounding instant. I pressed my thighs together in an effort to relieve the dull throbbing that rippled over my clit.

“Spread your legs.”

With a moan, I did as he ordered. Cool air rushed over the exposed flesh of my cunt and I closed my eyes. It had been years since a man had turned me on so much and he’d barely touched me. Softly spoken words, the mere promise of punishment and a pounding cock had reduced me to a state of near-begging.

“You lack discipline.” He smacked my ass in reprimand and I pursed my lips in what I could only describe as a pout, heaven help me. “If we are to play this game properly, love, you’ll have to do much better. Else I’ll be forced to take what I want and punish you in the only way I can: by ignoring your needs.”

I shuddered at the thought, realizing that he probably would do just that. The blame would rest solely with me and my inability to obey. I’d started this game and made it clear that I wanted this from him, but I was, in my selfishness, ignoring his needs.

“I’ll be good.”

“Is that so?” He flicked the flogger lightly over my lower back and I swallowed the disappointment.

“Yes, sir.”

The thin, flat leather tresses of the flogger drifted across my ass, down my thighs, and over my legs, only to travel back up in an agonizing path of the softest kind of stimulation.

“You lied to me.”

“No, sir.” I shook my head in denial.

He laughed. “You said that you enjoyed pain to a degree, but let’s be honest, love, you’re a pure-to-the-bone masochist. Your body is primed, ready to be used.”

I started to deny it but he cut off my words by pushing two fingers into my cunt. My juices coated his fingers instantly and I clamped down on the invasion involuntarily. “Joshua.” His name burst from my mouth more like a prayer than anything else and I swallowed hard to keep from saying more.

He leaned down and nipped my shoulder. “How much would it take to make you come, love? Have you always responded so well to pain?”

I couldn’t answer; the words clogged in my throat as he pulled his fingers free and used the flogger to strike my thighs. The leather slapped around my legs, stinging and biting into my flesh with precision. His skill and care became evident then, as each blow landed differently and never in the exact same place—the perfect amount of stimulation. Never hard enough to bruise or break skin. It had been years since I’d been in the hands of someone so gifted. The difference was training. He was not like the straightlaced men I’d talked into spanking my ass over the years. Joshua was the real deal, and if I were going to be technical the first male Dom to ever get me in such a position. Could he tell?

My heart thudded hard and fast against my rib cage, my clit matching it beat for beat. I pushed off the need to come, determined that I would wait until he was ready. My fingers ached against the hold I had on the iron railing in front of me, and I hated myself for the months that I’d denied myself this. Surely, if I’d acted on my initial attraction, we could have worked our way into exploring our fetishes quickly enough. I’d never been shy about asking sex partners for something a little more than the straight edge…even if I rarely got it.

I lowered my head between my arms and closed my eyes as the pressure and the need built. Pain and pleasure snaked inside me, pulling at my insides and making me feel empty. I was ready for so much more, and, as if he knew it, he suddenly stopped and dropped the flogger beside me on the bed.

I looked to my left and watched out of the corner of my eye as he left the bed and found a condom in my toy drawer. He brought the box he’d just opened with him and dropped it near the flogger. I wet my lips as I watched him roll the condom onto his long, thick cock and wondered briefly if at some point during the evening he would let me suck him.

He came back to the bed, slid up behind me, and ran his hands down my back. I cried out, my overstimulated flesh immediately warming and responding to his touch. I arched against him and closed my eyes as he gripped my hips and pushed his cock into me with one harsh, deep stroke. The sharp sting of penetration brought another strangled cry from my lips.

Joshua’s fingers curled into my hips, his short nails scoring my skin as he started to move. He withdrew and plunged deep with measured strokes over and over again as I clung to the headboard. My orgasm twisted and turned under my skin with each push of his cock. I wanted him to use me, to ride me like a whore as he’d suggested earlier, so I ignored the need to come and focused on him as he worked his cock in and out of my pussy. My muscles clenched on each inward thrust in an effort to keep him inside me and the soft gasping groans that slipped from his mouth told me he enjoyed it.

His hands drifted up my back, one stopping to grip my shoulder and the other moving into my hair. He fisted his hand into my hair as he increased his pace.

“Come for me, Tara. Come now.”

Relief and disappointment warred inside me. I wasn’t ready for this to end but my body was nearly begging me for relief. I forced myself to relax and when I let go my pussy rushed wet around him and I came hard, screaming his name.

He jerked me back hard against him, his pelvic bones flush against my ass as he came. After a long moment, he loosened his hold on me and as he pulled his cock from my body I clenched down on him in one final effort to keep him with me. He smacked my ass with a soft laugh and left the bed.

Several minutes passed before Joshua returned to the bed. He massaged my wrists as he pulled the rope free and tossed it aside. Then he carefully maneuvered me onto my side and pressed me close against his chest as he rested on the bed with me. Both of our bodies were damp with sweat, and when I let my hand rest on his chest I felt a near echo of my own heartbeat.

He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and closed his eyes briefly. “If you regret this tomorrow I’m turning you over my knee and spanking you.”

I chuckled. “Not much of a threat.”

“No. Not much at all.” He combed his fingers through my hair and sighed. “So, are you a natural redhead or not?”

Lifting my head, I raised an eyebrow. “Huh?”

“On most women I’d know by now but I never expected you to be the type to wax it all off.”

“Oh.” I frowned when I felt my cheeks heating. “You don’t like it?”

“I plan to spend several hours showing you exactly how much I like it, after I rest a bit.” He lifted my chin and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

“Yes, I’m a natural redhead. Though I have some highlights that I pay a pretty little penny for.” I rolled onto my back and rubbed the damp flesh of my stomach. “You are a superior fuck.”

“Yes. I know.” He laughed softly and met my gaze. “As are you.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “Yeah.”

Joshua leaned down and sucked one of my softening nipples into his mouth. Gently, as if I might break, he ran his tongue over it repeatedly, making the flesh rigid once more. He released it with a light pop and leaned back to study his handiwork.

“This woman from college…”

“She taught me the pleasure of giving up control.” I bit down on my lip. I rarely if ever discussed Elise, but I had already admitted to my past. “She was older than me—close to thirty but back in school to get her degree in business. We shared an off-campus apartment. Elise was…open to relationships with both men and women. I thought I was curious about lesbian sex.”

“But you weren’t?”

“No. I’d accidently walked in on her with a woman. She had her tied up and was working her over like a hostage…to her obvious enjoyment. I stood there and watched, unable to move, and within a few minutes Elise made her come just by hitting her with a riding crop.”

I closed my eyes briefly. The image of that young woman was seared into my brain. She’d sagged against the ropes that she was bound with and had sobbed nearly uncontrollably. I’d never had an orgasm like that in my life at the time. “I forced myself to leave and I thought Elise hadn’t seen me.”

“You were wrong.”

“Oh, yes.” I laughed softly. “I started to avoid her, but mostly because I kept imagining her fucking me. I couldn’t get it out of my head and it didn’t make any sense at all. I’d never been interested in sex with a woman. Eventually she cornered me and demanded that I explain myself. I tried to explain, tried to apologize for spying on her and her lover. Then finally I admitted that I kept thinking about it and that I thought that I wanted to have sex with her.”

“She corrected you.”

“Oh, yes.” I blushed. The lesson was still fresh in my mind even seven years later. “She told me that I was a silly girl and that of course I wasn’t a lesbian. I was as far from lesbian as a woman could get. It was the pain I wanted, the loss of control I craved. She offered it to me. Offered to show me what I really wanted.”

“And you agreed?”

“Not for weeks. I was mortified. I couldn’t fathom how I could possibly want someone to tie me up and hit me with a whip. It seemed abnormal and so very wrong.” I relaxed against him and sighed when his fingers started to drift in a lazy pattern over my stomach. “I was so fucked up about it that I almost moved out. I was also pretty convinced that she was wrong and that I probably was a lesbian.”

He laughed. “So stubborn.”

“Yes. So, I decided that I would just experiment. I took my ass to a bar where I knew I could pick up a woman…found a soft, very feminine-looking woman who had warm eyes and a nice smile. I went home with her.”


I glanced from his rapidly hardening cock to his face. “Men are so easy.”

Joshua laughed. “Yeah, we are. But just think how messed up relationships would be if we weren’t?”

“Yeah, there is that. Anyway, I went home with her but it became very evident that I was not a lesbian. We laughed, had drinks, ate a meal together, and then she sent me home.” I smiled. “It was very nice kissing her, though. She had a soft mouth and tasted really good.”

He slid astride my body with astounding speed. “You’ll be the death of me.”

“Yeah, but life is about the living not the dying.” I rubbed his thighs and shifted under him as he rubbed the head of his cock against my stomach.

“Tell me the rest.”

“One night, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to know. So I banged on her door…and demanded her help.”


“Oh, yes.” I laughed softly. “I paid a harsh price for that little bit of attitude. She jerked me into her room, shoved me onto the bed with my ass in the air, pulled up my little night-gown, and spanked me until I cried. I came twice.”

“And you had your answers.” He ran his hands roughly over my breasts and caught my nipples in a vicelike grip.

“Yes. After she punished me, she held me and told me everything she thought I needed to know about the experience I had and perhaps the experiences that I might enjoy. Then she offered to train me. We made an agreement, determined my hard limits, and got started.” I sucked in a breath as he twisted and pulled at my nipples. “Through experiment and a year of sessions I learned what I needed, preferred, and that it was all right to want those things.”

I watched his face, waiting for some expression that would tell me what he thought of my story. I’d only revealed the depth of my experience to one other man, a man so far from the BDSM lifestyle that he might as well had been a puritan. He’d called me a dyke and a whore as he practically ran from my apartment. That had been more than four years ago and at most the men after him got the heavy-handed hint that I might like a little slap on the ass as they fucked me. Most of them had obliged but never at the level I needed or wanted.

“You were lucky. In the wrong hands you could have suffered. This woman did you a tremendous service and I hope you were properly grateful.” He released my nipples as I relaxed beneath him. The delightful sting lingered as blood rushed back into the offended flesh. Joshua slid upward, his thighs pressing up against my breasts as he leaned forward and rubbed the head of his cock between them. “Suck me.”

Wetting my lips, I wrapped one hand around him as he moved upward to rub against my lips. I flicked out my tongue to taste the pre-cum that gathered on the head. He groaned and pushed deep into my mouth in response. Joshua grabbed my hands, cuffed my wrists with one of his hands above my head, and started to work his cock in and out of my mouth with sure, steady strokes. Each push inside sent a little shiver of need straight to my clit. I twisted beneath him, desperate for more but determined to please him at the same time.

“Fuck.” He paused and then carefully pulled away. “Don’t move.”

I relaxed on the bed and watched through half-closed eyes as he pulled a condom from the box and tore open the wrapper. When he moved over me, I spread my legs wide for his body. Joshua penetrated with one long, sure thrust and when he was buried to the hilt he stopped and covered my mouth with his.

The lazy thrust of his tongue into my mouth was a harsh contrast with the thick invasion of his cock. The walls of my cunt clenched around him and when he started to move, I lifted my hips to meet him. I clutched at his back, my nails scoring his damp skin.

He pulled his mouth from mine, clutching my hips in a tight grip as he moved to his knees. The penetration changed, deepened, and the rawness of it stoked the need that brewed between us both until he was slamming into me ruthlessly. I took each pounding thrust gratefully and when he lifted my legs up onto his shoulders I shuddered in acceptance.

Completely at his mercy, I watched as he worked his cock in and out of my pussy, each inward thrust accompanied by the sound of skin smacking together and the thud of his balls slapping my ass. His fingers dug into my hips hard, his short, neatly manicured nails hard against my skin, and I could almost feel the bruises I would sport later for that sharp little pleasure.

“Come.” He demanded through clenched teeth. “Come now.”

I wanted it so bad I could taste it. My body was building toward something so hard and mean that I could barely stand to think about it. His fingers caught my clit, pinched, and I came in one vicious rush screaming his name. He let my legs fall from his shoulders and then he thrust against me one last time.

Joshua lowered us both to the bed and rested on me, his forehead flush with mine. Our bodies were fluid and relaxed as the pleasure of orgasm slipped away. I ran one hand down his back and sighed when he moved away and pulled free. Suppressing a frown, I watched him roll from the bed and disappear into the bathroom.

When he returned, he stopped at the edge of the bed and looked me over with a critical eye. “I wasn’t too rough with you?”

“No. Not at all.” I stretched and smiled in an effort to put him at ease. “We should probably shower and get dressed. I’m more than sure Kristen will be calling me any minute now asking if we should meet to discuss your latest little thing.”

He sighed. “Am I that much of a hassle?”

“Hassle?” I glanced him over, taking in his leanly muscled body and still nearly erect cock while trying not to appear as if I were inspecting him. “No, not normally. Other than the skinny-dipping, the parties where the women outnumber the men three to one that last all night long, the bar fights…”

“Oh, come on. I haven’t had a fight in a bar in literally two years.”

“It’s still something we battle against. Your reputation preceded you into Atlanta and that’s not necessarily a bad thing considering recent events.” I rolled out of the bed and stretched. “And as you said, you’ve been a very good boy this year.”

He raised one eyebrow. “Boy? I don’t remember calling myself a boy.”

The word hardly did him justice, but seeing his eyes harden in challenge was fun. “Principle is the same.”

“Woman, I thought you said you wanted to shower and get dressed.”

“That’s my plan.”

“Keep talking shit to me and you’ll find yourself all tied up and unavailable when your friend calls.” He disappeared into the bathroom. “You’ll be lucky if I play with you after I tie you up.”

I figured my luck was pretty good but I kept my expression cool and innocent as I followed along behind him. “We actually do have work to do.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Games Girls Play

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