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Dear Reader,

One of the most common questions I’m asked is where do I get my ideas? The first time I was asked this I had trouble answering. The ideas just come to me, usually unbidden. They’re kind of always there, lurking, waiting to be triggered by the most obscure thing. My imagination just doesn’t quit. A Glimpse of Fire is a perfect example.

I live in Las Vegas, where imagination seems to run amok. One evening I took visiting friends to The Venetian, an Italian-themed casino where they have gondola rides and an “outdoor” courtyard designed to look like a quaint Italian village complete with white-faced, costumed street mimes. I wasn’t sure the first one I saw was a real person. I caught a glimpse of movement and then stared for the longest time waiting for the next flicker. A dollar tossed in the bowl at his feet earned a slight nod. That was it. And so the idea for this book wouldn’t let go.

Hope you enjoy Eric and Dallas’s ride. Hang on!


Debbi Rawlins

A Glimpse of Fire

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