Читать книгу Stealing The Cowboy's Heart - Debbi Rawlins - Страница 3


The evening air was already nippy as Kylie hurried toward Main Street.

As she came around the corner, she saw Landon standing outside the restaurant. She slowed her steps even as her heart picked up speed.

She loved it when he wore blue shirts. They always made his eyes look bluer, and with his wavy dark hair, he truly was a good-looking man. A fact many of the other riders’ wives and girlfriends had certainly noticed. Yet she’d never seen him flirt. Not once.

“Landon, where are your crutches?”

“I thought we were going right in to dinner so I didn’t need them.”

“And yet, here you are,” she said, shaking her head. “Not smart.”

“We can fix that. Here, put your arm around my waist,” he said as he slid an arm around her shoulders and leaned against her slightly.

At first she couldn’t speak. He smelled so good. Felt too good. The warmth of his body seeped into hers, beckoning her closer. He was all lean muscle. Rock solid.

“Is the leg bothering you?” she asked, tightening her arm around him.

“Not especially.”

Suspicious, she looked up at him. “So why are we plastered to each other?”

Stealing The Cowboy's Heart

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