Читать книгу Sizzling Summer Nights - Debbi Rawlins - Страница 12



THE TEMPERATURE HAD dropped since the sun went down. But the chilly air wasn’t the reason Hannah pressed herself against his warm body. Enticed by the pleasant muskiness of his skin, by his firm lips moving over hers, she tightened her hold around his neck.

Seth pulled her closer. The heat of his erection penetrated both layers of their denim jeans. The urge to move her hips was too great to ignore. She swayed a little to the left.

He froze, all of him, his body, his mouth, the hand that had started rubbing her back. A low groan rumbled deep in his throat. She felt it against her lips, followed by a jolt of excitement that traveled all the way down her spine.

It didn’t take much for him to tease her lips apart. She readily opened for him and welcomed the thrust of his tongue. He tasted as good as he smelled—200 percent male. A rush of warmth spread through her body and settled into dampness between her thighs. She arched into him and he deepened the kiss.

Easing her death grip on his neck, she was able to run her fingers through his hair, touch his muscled chest. But the brief time-out was enough to make her wonder what the hell she was doing. She’d just met the man. Kissing was fine, for tonight. They still had tomorrow. Hopefully, she’d see a lot of him the whole week.

He must’ve sensed her hesitation. He broke the kiss and gave her a questioning look.

“We’re still standing,” she said in a playful tone.

“Yes, we are.”

Despite her rude awakening, Hannah wasn’t anxious to pull away. And, it seemed, neither was Seth.

Finally he stepped back and expansively spread his hand. “Your blanket and pillow await.”

“Lucky for you, you left out princess.”

He grinned. “Why? What would you have done?”

“It’s more like what I wouldn’t have done.”

He gave it a moment’s thought. “Ah,” he said, with a solemn nod. “Yeah, lucky I didn’t.”

Hannah laughed as she lowered herself to the blanket. By plopping down in the center, she couldn’t have made it more obvious that she wanted him to sit next to her.

After grabbing the water he’d left on the hood, he joined her, stretching out his long legs and passing her a bottle. He sat close enough that their shoulders brushed and tilted his head back to look up at the sky.

Hannah would’ve been content just to stare at him. But she followed his gaze to the crescent moon hovering over the Rockies. “How many constellations are there? Do you know?”

“Close to ninety have been recognized.”

“Do you know all their names?”

Seth laughed. “That’s a tall order.”

The air really was too chilly for her short sleeve shirt, and she leaned closer to him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Maybe at my geekiest.”

“Oh, please. You were never a geek.”

He smiled at her, then frowned when he caught her shivering. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her against his side. “I might have a long-sleeved shirt in the truck,” he said, brushing the hair away from her face. “Or we don’t have to sit out here at all.”

“No, I like it here,” she said quickly. “Unless it’s too cool for you.”

“Not with you snuggled up to me like this, it isn’t.”

“Feels perfect to me.” Weird, very weird, in fact, and yet perfect.

Sitting like this was something she associated with boyfriends. Cuddling and holding hands felt intimate to her, and often uncomfortable. Of course she’d gone out with a few guys she liked over the years. Shane was strictly a friend. Trevor and Steve were more like sex buddies with no expectations on either side. True intimacy had never played a part in any of her relationships. Yet sitting here with Seth felt perfectly normal. Safe, even. Pleasant. And how did that make sense?

“I think I’ll go look for that shirt,” he said, removing his arm from her shoulders.

“Look, if you’re cold we’ll go. No problem.”

“Not for me. You’re the one shivering.”

“Was I?” She heard another howl and jumped. “Still far away, right?”

“Right,” he said, and started to get to his feet, but she caught his arm.

“I’m not cold.”

“Okay. But let’s try this instead.” He resettled on the blanket, this time behind her. “How about you sit here,” he said, patting the spot between his spread legs.

Her pulse fluttered. “That doesn’t look comfortable for you.”

“Sure it is.” He drew up his bent knees so she could shift into place.

She refused to check if his erection had subsided. Surely it must have or he wouldn’t have made the offer. Still, she hesitated to lean back, until his coaxing won her over. Her shoulders met his chest, but she managed to leave some room behind her butt to avoid contact.

“Better?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her. “You’re stiff. Relax. I’m not going to bite.”

“Any chance you have a can of wolf repellent in your truck?”

Seth chuckled. “Is that what’s got you tense?” His mouth was near her right ear; his warm breath glided over her skin at the side of her neck. “The wolves aren’t going to bother us,” he murmured.

Oh, God, his body was so warm, chasing away the chill air. His encircling arms were strong and made her feel ridiculously safe. So safe she found her butt snuggled up against his...his crotch. Anatomically, no other body part was possible. And his arms made it all the way around her drawn-up knees. Yet his hold remained loose. She didn’t feel the urge to break free just to make sure she could.

He’d told her to relax. She was practically lounging back as if he was the most comfy chair in the world. His heart was beating a bit fast, and so was hers.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I’d feel a whole lot better if I thought you were more comfortable.”

“Are you kidding? What could be better than this?”

“Um...” Hannah laughed. “Nothing.”

“Besides that,” he said, and kissed her neck.

She felt a jerky movement against her backside and she bit down on her lip. “Ouch!”

He brought his head up. “Did I hurt you?”

“It was me. I bit my lip.”

“Let’s see.”

“It’s okay. I’ll live.”

He cupped her chin and turned her face toward him. “You have pretty lips.”

“What?” Hannah giggled.

“Soft, too,” he said, drawing his thumb over them. He bent his head as if he were about to kiss her, but it wasn’t easy, the way they were sitting.

Their mouths merely brushed.

Hannah sighed, completely ready to give up warmth for more kissing. But Seth didn’t seem to be of the same mind. He just smiled and settled back.

“Hey, look at that,” she said, pointing to the western sky. “Are those stars in the shape of a W, or is it my imagination?”

“That’s Cassiopeia,” he said, without enthusiasm.

“Not your favorite, huh?”

“I wouldn’t kick her out of bed,” he said, and grinned when Hannah twisted around to give him a look. “We see Cassiopeia all year long from here. Now, if it was October or November, the bottom of the W would point to Andromeda.”

“What about that one?”

His cheek close to hers, he followed her gaze. “That’s Cygnus. We can only see it during the summer.”

“It looks like a kite.”

“According to mythology it’s supposed to be the form of a swan that Zeus used to seduce women.”

“Okay, you need quite an imagination to come up with that description,” Hannah muttered, trying to not get too distracted by the feel of Seth’s cheek pressed against hers. “What about the W? What’s the story behind that one?”

“Queen Cassiopeia sitting on her throne combing her hair. Her claim that she was more beautiful than the gods pissed off Poseidon, so he put her in the sky as punishment.”

Hannah grinned. “Those touchy Greeks.” She moved, just to see him better. “I doubt you were trying to impress me, but wow anyway.”

He smiled and went for a kiss. Their lips almost met, but not quite. The slightly different position wasn’t any better.

“Okay, this isn’t working,” he said. “You mind scooting down a couple feet?”

She didn’t need to think about it. She just slid her butt to the edge of the blanket. Seth pulled the opposite end up, draping it over her shoulders as he settled beside her.

“How’s that?” he asked, keeping his arm around her.

“Perfect.” She smiled at him and he pressed his lips to her mouth.

The sudden kiss startled her at first, but then she kissed him back. His arm tightened around her shoulders as his tongue swept past her lips and probed her mouth. He wasn’t in a hurry, but that didn’t make the kiss less intense. With his free hand he cupped her jaw as they explored each other, her breasts aching for his touch.

She lifted a hand to his chest and felt the swell of muscle under her palm. His heart pounded as hard and fast as her own. Shifting to give herself more freedom of movement, she nearly forced him back flat onto the blanket.

The kiss broke. Laughing and out of breath, she barely had the strength to help hold him upright. Not that she was doing anything more than clutching his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” Seth asked, also laughing.

“I’m not sure.”

He used an elbow to brace himself and she landed, half sprawled across his body, her breasts squashed against his chest.

She wasn’t too upset with the awkward move, though. Their new position had its upside. “Did I bruise you for life?”

“They should fade in a week or so.”

“Sorry. I was actually trying to prevent this from happening,” she said, and realized that righting herself would go a long way toward reinforcing that claim. Grudgingly she started lifting herself off him.

Seth stopped her. “The ground isn’t too bad if you want to try lying back.”

“Or you make a pretty decent body pillow.”

“Sure, feel free to use me.”

Grinning, Hannah moved her arm and unintentionally brushed his erection.

He hissed through gritted teeth. “Yeah, sitting is probably better.”

“I didn’t do that on purpose,” Hannah said, her breathy voice sounding strange to her ears.

“I know.”

She didn’t even try to hide her disappointment when he sat upright. Instead she almost gave in to the urge to cup him, make sure he knew it was no accident. But that wouldn’t be cool. She’d never had sex with a guy the same day she met him and she’d already decided making out would be enough for tonight.

The stars seemed to be multiplying, each one trying to outshine the others. Barely covering a yawn in time, she felt his hand close gently on the nape of her neck.

“Tired?” he asked.

“A little.”

“I should’ve taken you straight to the Sundance.”

Hannah gaped at him. “No way. And miss this?”

“Don’t worry. In a week you’ll see your fill of stars.”

“That’s not what I meant,” she said, and felt the pressure at her nape become a gentle massage.

They leaned into a soft kiss. Hannah laughed when they both angled their heads the same way.

Seth didn’t. He cupped her face with one hand and deepened the kiss, their tongues touching and stroking each other. His hand moved to her neckline, and he toyed with the fabric before dipping his fingers just underneath, just enough to tease.

She trembled when his mouth left hers and his lips blazed a damp path down the side of her neck.

Gently, he touched her jaw, then trailed his fingertips down her throat over her knit top and lingered between her breasts. The inside of his wrist grazed her hardened nipple.

Hannah held her breath. The tiny movement caused a slight thrust of her breasts. She waited, wondering if he’d slip his hand under her shirt.

The temptation was there. She could feel his tension, his indecision, his restraint. Damn, she wished she could see his face. But it was impossible with the way they were sitting. Although she could see his straining fly just fine.

She laid a hand on his thigh, about midway between his knee and groin. And then she inched higher, stopping short of his erection. His free hand went to the back of her head and he held her still while he kissed her.

Oh, God, she wanted to touch him so badly. But she didn’t dare. His mouth was hot and hungry, his skin feverish, his warm rugged scent surrounded her. It was all going to her head. Stepping just one toe over the line would be all it took. They wouldn’t stop. And there would be no do-overs. She wasn’t sure it mattered.

Seth was waiting for her to make the next move, she realized. She’d set the tone and he could’ve taken over from there, but he wanted her to call that final shot. While she appreciated his thoughtfulness, she almost wished he’d just gone for it.

A cool breeze seemed to come out of nowhere, nipping at her, making her shiver. She rubbed her bare arms. Removing her hand from his thigh killed the mood.

He straightened away from her. “Guess I’m doing a shitty job.”

“Oh, no.” Hannah clutched at his arm, trying to bring him back to her. “It feels good.”

“I meant keeping you warm.”

“Ah. Right.” She gave him a sheepish smile. “No, it was just that one little gust.”

“Gust?” Seth laughed. “I’d stay away from Montana in the winter if I were you.” He grabbed both their waters. “In the meantime, let’s get out of here.”

“We don’t have to go.” A yawn threatened and she pressed her lips together for a second. “It was just that one...breeze.”

“Look, you have a whole week. No rush, right?”

She would’ve rather he’d said we. But that might’ve sounded too presumptuous. Probably not something she would’ve said herself. “I’ve ruined the night, haven’t I?”

“Absolutely not,” he said as he got to his feet. “I’ve enjoyed myself.”

She grasped his outstretched hand and he pulled her up.

“Go ahead and get in the truck,” he said when she picked up one side of the blanket.

“I’m really not cold.”

“Just tired.”

Hannah sighed. “Exhausted,” she admitted. “It was harder getting away from the office than I thought.”

“Signs of a healthy economy, right?”

“More like a slave-driver boss.”

Seth smiled, and boy did she want to kick herself. It was only a little after ten. She was on vacation and had lucked out meeting a gorgeous guy the very first night. And what was she doing? Squandering an opportunity to get laid, that’s what.


She blinked at Seth as he tried to take her corner of the blanket from her.

With a wicked smile that made her wonder if she’d said something she shouldn’t have, he tugged the blanket free of her hand. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get you to bed.”

Sizzling Summer Nights

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